Information Technology And Its Transformation Effect On Health Care System In Saudi Arabia

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Information Technology and Its Transformation Effect on Health Care System in Saudi Arabia



No words can express my appreciation and gratitude to my research advisor _______ through the course of this research, Professor _____has taught me numerous values that extend well beyond the realm of human resource management. His emphasis on dedication to work and his valuable and practical insights of life are some of the major highlights of my education at The University _________. To Professor _____, I say with great respect, thank you very much.


I [type your full first names and surname here], declare that the contents of this dissertation/thesis represent my own unaided work, and that the dissertation/thesis has not previously been submitted for the academic examination towards any qualification. Furthermore, it represents my own opinions and not necessarily those of the University.

Signed __________________ Date _________________






Aims and objective of the study2

Research methodology3

Definition of terms3



Appendix A: Cover Letter6

Appendix B: Questionnaire8



The nation's largest Health Information Technology advocate, the Office of the National Coordinator of Health IT, has stated that health IT will build a healthier future for the nation through cost reductions, efficiency improvements in the delivery of health care and most importantly by saving lives. Many proponents of health IT believe that overwhelming supply-side cost reductions from increased quality of care and improvements in the efficiency of health care delivery will more than make up for the costs of health IT investment. Indeed, the more integrated and interoperable the systems are the greater the expected benefits. Some have estimated billions of dollars in potential savings; others' estimates are more modest but predict cost savings nonetheless. All of this support for health IT investment has resulted in a flurry of activity to evaluate the diffusion process, develop standards for the integration of systems, fund demonstration projects, and measure quality improvements.

A vital element of health IT implementation that has been overlooked in all of this is the demand-side effect. Many of the cost implications and obviously the quality effects will only be achieved if patients are treated where there are health IT systems. Knowledge of patient demand for health IT is vital for informing health IT infrastructure development. I will test the perception of the three major types of health IT systems, i.e. Electronic Medical Records (EMRs), Computerized Physician Order Entry (CPEO), and Picture Archiving Systems (PACS); then, for technologies. Potentially significant health and monetary benefits have made the development of health IT infrastructure a priority in the Saudi Arabia. Federal agencies have announced numerous healths IT- focused policy initiatives and are funding a variety of research projects related to development, implementation, and use of health IT. In this regard, there are a number of issues regarding the acceptance of IT in the physicians in different hospitals. There are a number of factors that should be dealt with before going on with an IT project, as this will ensure successful installation of the software in the organization, as end-user involvement is very crucial in ...
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