Information Technology Networking

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Information Technology Networking


In corporate information systems, such subsystems as accounting and production management must be integrated through a single database in order to reduce cycle times from receipt of orders until shipment. In light of these requirements system development using integrated package software is attracting considerable attention. In order to development a corporate information system using integrated package software, it is important that users and developers reach agreement on implementation details through an understanding of the functions of the integrated package, and through prototyping and other activities to study methods of its application to business activities (Malinowski, 2001). In other words JAD (joint application design), in which the integrated package is used in prototyping and the users and developers cooperatively define requirements and determine specifications based on the prototyping plays a vital role.

In JAB, the participation of key personnel in specification determination is required. But because these persons are not necessarily in the same physical location, JAD activities with remote sites often become necessary. Such cooperative tasks can therefore be regarded as one mode of CSCW (computer-supported cooperative work). In CSCW there are a number of patterns taken by discussions, debates, decision-making and the like. Moreover, task contents may include such varied elements as business conferences sales conferences, and design conferences. For each of these cooperative tasks, there will be different corresponding support processes (Malinowski, 2008).

In this paper, we propose a model for processes in the development of a corporate information system utilizing integrated package software, as well as a method for CSC?V supporting determination of speci6cations. In this CXW, development tasks are divided into several stages, and in each stage JAD activities are conducted with members at remote sites. This method was applied to an actual development process, and evaluation of the results confirmed the efficacy of the method.

Solution for Case Study

As per requirements,it is concered with both LAN AND WAN .so totally it's WAN(WIDE AREA NETWORK). The suggested network toplology is Star topology. with the star topology each network host is connected to another network host with point to point connection with central hub station Newyork,CA.All traffic traverses the network passes the central that SO the corporate data center can have data at hand of each node in the start topology (Wilamowski, 2009).

And this is the simplest topology ever to implement and can be extended to any number of nodes. As per requirement ,the company wants to send large storage files like video and audio streming ,it is better to have high-bandwidth data cables.Now fibre optic techology will fulfill your need with as much less cost as you can. Network Devices:since the data travelling wide area and with large files ,it is to setup central hub and repeaters as when the signal is down.So that uninterrupted service can be possible.switches and repeaters only operate the physical layer of OSI(OPEN SYSTEM INTERCONNECTION) Model to join two or more networks which are located at several areas uses Bridges to consider.This operates at the physical layer and MAC(MEDIUM ACCESS CONTROL) ...
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