Interpersonal Communication Concepts In The Movie The Notebook

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Interpersonal Communication concepts in the movie the notebook


The aim of this paper is to analyze a movie in the context of interpersonal communication skills. For that purpose the movie that is chosen is the notebook. The paper presents various arguments and discusses various aspects, scenes and behavior of the actors of the movie the notebook according to the concepts of interpersonal communication. The paper talks about how the movie displays various concepts of the interpersonal communication. The paper presents the details about various aspects of interpersonal communication such as non verbal communication, gestures, listening, writing, reading and perception. All these concepts of the interpersonal communication are discussed in the context of movie or how these concepts are portrayed in the movie.

Interpersonal Communication Concepts in the Movie “The Notebook”


Interpersonal communication is not just a method of sending and receiving messages, but also a method of transferring messages from one person to another. But it often happens that the meaning of the message that the sender intends to transfer is not the same that receivers perceives. In addition to that, communication is always complicated by infinite factors including perception, listening, attitude, values and beliefs, moods, etc. A good way to understand the process of communication is to consider everyone as television sets. Also, the number of broadcasting channels can be thought as different communication channels which are used by everyone to communicate with each other or it can also be thought of the personal styles everyone has. People select the channel which is most likely to suit them. Therefore, a person may choose a comedy channel, while another person may choose a serious drama or a musical channel, so on and so forth. When people meet one another, they respond to these personal styles in the same manner as they might respond to the TV programs. If the other person likes their style, then he or she will be expected to get on with them.

Communication is such a ubiquitous phenomenon that it can be observed everywhere. In theater, songs, movies and dramas the role of interpersonal communication is inevitable as the basic purpose of these forms of entertainment is to transfer message or idea of the producers. The aim of this paper is to analyze a movie for the various interpersonal communication aspects that it portrays.


The movie that is selected for the discussion of interpersonal communication aspects is “The notebook”. The Notebook belongs to the genre of romantic drama film written by Jeremy Leven and Jan Sardi directed by Nick Cassavetes, with the shares star Ryan Gosling and Rachel McAdams. Notebook directed by Cassavetes and it is based on the novel of the same subject, by Nicholas Sparks. The paper discusses the various aspects of the movie to discuss concepts of interpersonal communication.


To start the discussion about the portrayal of the interpersonal communication aspects in the movie the notebook the title of the movie itself is enough. The title of the movie represents one of the aspects of the interpersonal communication ...
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