Is America Becoming More Unequal?

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Is America Becoming More Unequal?

Is America Becoming More Unequal?

Americans have lots of diverse values that they hold close to them. Some of these values are the sum of money they are making? their job status? their popularity in school and in other functions? and a good education; these all things lead to inequality in general. But above all? independence has been a core of American value from the very beginning of the United States? American value system? at least all through the period of the nation's founding? was not anchored in or distinct by such extreme egotism. On the divergent? a far more group-oriented and communally accountable set of cherished ideals at the center of Revolutionary American society.

In the wider historical view? American exceptionalism is the term for a popularized cultural mythos that delivers a benevolent explanation for why and how American society succeeded. It replaces the original phrase "Manifest Destiny" which was commonly employed at a time when it became apparent that the absolute destruction of the Native American Indian was unstoppable. "Manifest Destiny"? cast an esoteric righteousness? over the reality of ethnic cleansing that was being enacted on the ground. In one way or another? "exceptionalism" (and ideas like it) attempt to assert either a "divine destiny" of American history (US nationalism) or are otherwise (for sake of discussion) simply focusing on subjective and ideological factors? while avoiding the material ones; particularly if they seem too obtrusive or general.

In this representation of the early American value system? personal freedom is highly esteemed and encouraged? but at the same time? is constantly moderated by regard for civic accountability and a respect for the rights of others. In fact? for authentic liberty to be realized? it was indispensable that citizens were worthy that is? willing to forfeit their private interests for the sake of the society.

The events of September 11? 2001? distorted the world. As well as? it affects American culture a lot. In the wake of September's terrorist attack? America responded with great courage and a selfless strength of mind to help. It was skepticism and shock that around the world? people saw the news recording of the proceedings on September 11? 2001 of the planes turned missiles that saw the obliteration of the World Trade Center towers and damage of the Pentagon. What is perhaps the worst terrorist attack on the United States? is completely unforgivable and to be condemned.

According to Robin M William? “As a nation of immigrants? we have dignified "out of many? one." (Sow? 2005) But as the inequality gap across racial and ethnic groups has widened? the American working consensus on core beliefs? expectations and aspirations appears to be unraveling the American fabric with the theme "out of many? many" echoing throughout the nation” Robin M. Williams? 1995)

What Robin M. William said was something which was not focused on previously? but after the attack of 11th September? it has been proved that though America allowed the immigrants to settle there? ...
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