Key Stage 1 Early Year Education.

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Key Stage 1 early year education


Key Stage 1 is the lawful term for the two years of schooling in maintained schools in England and Wales commonly known as Year 1 and Year 2, when pupils are elderly between 5 and7. This Key Stage normally covers students throughout infant school, although in some cases this might form part of a first or prime school. (Nelson 2005 p.158) It is also the label used for the third and fourth years of primary education in Northern Ireland. In UK, it is used to describe Primary One to Primary Three.

Activity session for KS1

KS1 EN1 Drama

Using language and actions to explore and convey situations, characters and emotions, create and sustain roles individually and when working with others, comment constructively on drama they have watched or in which they have taken part. To work in role, presenting drama and stories to others, responding to performances.

Circle discussion

What can we remember about the story and the characters - what were our favorite bits?

For those who knew the article before how did the play alter from the book?

Why do you believe this is?

Discussions boosting presentation investigation could involve:

The use of puppets - how and why?

The individual features - what sort of persons are Mr. and Mrs. Grinling - how do we know?

Circle power game - to moderately hot up

Start by dispatching energy round the around - choose a student to start. The student sets up eye communicate with the student on their left and drives a clap in that main heading with the phrase 'ZIP'. The applaud is passed round the circle. Practice dispatching the applaud round a couple of times and try and get a good tempo going, but remember the eye contact and the concept of giving to and obtaining the power from each other. If the power journeys anti-clockwise - to the right - the identical directions request but the 'ZIP' becomes a 'ZAP'. Try a couple of rounds of each. To change main heading between ZAP and ZIP you can introduce a 'BOING'. (Leathard 2003 p.258) To BOING the energy back in the opposite direction you face the person giving you the energy, but instead of receiving it jump in the air in a star jump and say 'BOING' - the pupil who tried to pass you the energy must send it back in the opposite direction (a zip would become a zap, a zap would become a zip). You will not BOING a BOING. Once the game is established Lighthouse Rules can be added, one at a time - Row the boat - everyone has to sit on the floor and row their boat as we sing ' row row row'. Whoever begun the 'strip strip strip' should change the energy back to a 'zap' one time the recital has finished. Seagull - flap your wings and swap places with the seagull converse you. When everyone is back in a around who ever started the flapping should change the ...
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