Language Acquisition

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Language Acquisition


The acquisition of language is an important step in the development of the child, which usually takes place between the ages of one and three years. Although the learning of language actually begins well before that age and continues beyond the early childhood, it was during this period that the transformation of verbal oral is the most remarkable, both in understanding that production. The oral language acquisition by children takes place in parallel with the development of many other skills cognitive and especially the intelligence symbolic, but these changes are sometimes separated. This is for example, the case in children with William's syndrome who have a relatively good oral language while their intellectual performance is below normal.

Language Acquisition


In order to apply techniques most useful and beneficial foreign language teaching, it is important to understand what the internal processes of language acquisition, initially in the language, in order to study the same processes in the acquisition second languages. We will consider both the similarities and differences in either case, we believe that can be used successful methods and strategies for the acquisition of L1 in L2 learning. On the contrary, it is also essential to consider these circumstantial differences between the natural acquisition of our language as natives, and the circumstances of learners of a second language.

These factors are related to age, if the learner acquires language in childhood or in adulthood, if language is learned in a meaningful context such as their social, or if you learn in a classroom with the corresponding limitations, etc. We will also see what advantages do an educational context for those students whose only access to the language is the classroom, even despite the potential problems or obstacles of an environment where the target language is spoken (Larsen, 1991).


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