Law-Legal Issues

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Law-Legal Issues

Law-Legal Issues


'Prisoner's Dilemma' is basically a game theory that depicts the picture that people can choose two moves, either cooperate or defect, when faced a critical situation (Heylighen, 1995). Different theories like utilitarianism, egoism, and social contract, suggest different corrective actions that could be taken by prisoners. Thus, highlighting that people can take different steps in different situations, they can cooperate or defect, however, according to my experience and the examples we daily see around us, cooperation results in better wellbeing of all the people including you and also gives you self-satisfaction.


Correct Actions of Prisoners According To Theories


Utilitarianism is an ethical theory which focuses on morality of right and wrong solely based on the consequences of selecting one action over the other. It moves beyond one's own interest scope and takes into consideration the interest of others ( Thus, utilitarianism based on the goodness and rightness of the decisions; for it good is that which produces happiness and wellbeing, and right is that which maximizes this happiness or wellbeing ( Therefore, correct actions of prisoners according to this theory must be that cooperation. As for the utilitarian, cooperation would be the dominant strategy (Bailey, 1997) as it would result in wellbeing of both, rather than just an individual prisoner.


In philosophy, egoism theory states that the goal depends on one's own happiness, pleasure, or benefit ( So, it indicates that in egoism people are motivated by their own interest and desire ( Therefore, according to egoism theory the corrective action taken by prisoners in prisoner's dilemma should be based on their individual interest, benefit, or happiness, regardless of other prisoner's benefit or interest. It means if they both pursue the rational egoism than they would focus on their self-interest which will result in both agents being made worse ...
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