Leonardo Da Vinci & Michelangelo Di Lodovico Buonarroti

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Leonardo da Vinci & Michelangelo di Lodovico Buonarroti

Thesis Statement

The paper is about to explore the pattern, behavior and methods of work of two choosen artist, Leonardo da Vinci and Michelangelo di Lodovico Buonarroti. A brief fiction based interview is conducted to analyze the working trends of two artists.

Interview with Leonardo da Vinci

Q.1 Leonardo, talk about your skills are endless and the possibilities. Can you list them, at least in part?

In short, I own ways to build the lightest and strongest bridges that can carry shadows, lighting, drapery and gestures of people of different sexes, ages and social classes, distance, color, psychology of perception - for everything, it seemed, was ready to separate treatise, posing as it is much more important than a beautiful naked machinery of execution

Q.2 Striking the greed with which you look into the world around you. Can you tell us about the phenomenon of the most impress you?

I once had to see the multiplication of the air over AC Milan in the direction of Lake Maggiore; I saw a cloud in the shape of great mountains, full of hot rocks, as the rays of the sun, which was already at the blushing horizon, stained with his own color. This cloud attracted all the little clouds around it were present, and a large cloud did not move from his seat on the contrary, it retained on its summit the sun lighting up to half a second night - such was the enormity of its size, and about two o'clock in the morning began so much wind that it was amazing and unheard of.

Q.3 This is amazing you have more than five hundred years ago, the prediction of the people who will talk to each other from the most remote countries, and to respond to each other. And what is the ...
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