Lincoln, Sumner, And Rawls

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How Lincoln, Sumner, and Rawls each attempted to “make good” on the Declaration's promise of liberty and equality for all

How Lincoln, Sumner, and Rawls each attempted to “make good” on the Declaration's promise of liberty and equality for all


The Declaration of Independence is a political document through which the Thirteen Colonies British to North America did secede from the United Kingdom, on 4 July 1776. This text is marked by the influence of the philosophy of the Enlightenment and also draws the consequences of the Glorious Revolution of 1688 : according to the abuses, the delegates of the settlers believe they have the right and duty to rebel against the British monarchy (in fact, the British parliament that voted heavy taxes and fees imposed on colonies). Since the July 4 has become the national holiday of the United States : the Independence Day (Independence Day in English).

The Declaration of Independence had a great impact in North America. The text was used as propaganda to American patriots during the Revolutionary War. It is one of the founding texts of the American nation, along with the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. The July 4th marks "the true birth of the United States. " It was read in churches in 1776 in Boston, posted in the towns and villages.


The Declaration of Independence was the model for the Declaration of Sentiments (Declaration of Sentiments) in 1848, signed by the delegates of the first convention on women's rights, Seneca Falls, New York (Armitage, 2007). During the Civil War, in his speech at the Gettysburg Address, U.S. President Abraham Lincoln put in value the importance of the Declaration in the country's history: "Four score and seven years ago our fathers are Brought Forth this continent, a new nation, Conceived in Liberty, and dedicated to the proposition That all men are created equal. "

The Declaration of Independence is a major milestone in the history of Anglo-American relations: after a series of crises between the metropolis and the colonies, mainly on issues of taxation revenue, the text proclaims the birth of a new nation and represents an act of revolutionary. In January 1776, Thomas Paine sided with the insurgents in his American Common Sense which was a great success (about 500,000 copies sold ) (Burgan, 2001). His book is a plea for the break with Britain and have inspired George Washington. Indeed, in this little book, he considers ridiculous that a country so small that the British government imposes laws and to the immense and distant America.

U.S. Declaration of Independence a historical document in which the British colonies in North America declared its independence from Great Britain, adopted unanimously by the Second Continental Congress on July 4 1776 in Philadelphia, the State of Pennsylvania. Date of acceptance (but not signing) of the Declaration of Independence, July 4, celebrated in the United States as Independence Day (Freedman, 2000). The Declaration was the first official document in which the colonies were called "United States of ...
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