Listening Skill

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Listening Skill

Listening as an Important Communication Skill

Listening as an Important Communication Skill


One of the most important and difficult principles of the entire communication process is listening. The lack of communication that is suffering today is due in large part because it is not known to listen to others. It is pending longer own emissions, and this need to communicate itself lose the essence of communication, i.e., share, share with others. There is the mistaken belief that automatically listens, but it is not. Listening requires more than an effort is made to speak and also exerted by listening without interpreting what you hear.

Effective Listening Skills

Currently living with a high level of hustle and stress; Take time to listen to others is a great gift we can do. Listening shows that you care about the other person and is a way to establish a good relationship. It can also be helpful when troubleshooting. You can use four steps to effective listening:

1. Find a Position That Is Comfortable To Listen

First, find a position that is comfortable to listen to the other where you can make eye contact. Next, use nonverbal and verbal responses to indicate to another that you're listening. Nonverbal responses would maintain eye contact and gestures of nod. Common verbal responses include onomatopoeia such as "uh", "mm", etc. These nonverbal and verbal responses are the simplest to perform in the four basic steps to effective listening.

2. After a Skill Used To Confirm That You Understand the Other

Process would be the small ideas that you have to be feeling the other person. This ability can serve to ease the tension of someone who is in a heated moment emotionally. It will help if the employee either lowers your state of unrest. It is very useful for solving problems that involve emotionally charged issues. Thanks to this ability we can understand what you're hearing. It is a good way to convey understanding and affection. How is it used?

Make an approximation of feeling, that is, raises a hypothesis about what the other is feeling emotionally. It can help you use phrases like "like you're hurt by ..."," As I understand you love that ...” The sentences should be smooth and such affection.

Then you can use two methods:

Explain to the other person how you feel if you were in that situation. The goal is to feel understood and supported.

Ask questions to delve deeper into soft feelings of your listener and that he keep talking. The questions may be "then you were ...?"," that made ??you think that ...?”

3. Use Questions or Statements for More Information

If there are still things you have not understood or not you have been sufficiently clear, questions or statements used to obtain more information about or are you counting. Make direct questions such as what...? Where...? ', who... These questions are very well used in a variety of situations. However, be careful because some people or in some situations, the listener can feel attacked if used in a clipped ...
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