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Factors Influencing Infant Feeding Options By HIV Positive Mothers In South Africa

Table of Content



History of HIV4

Communication Gaps between Child Feeding Care Professionals and African Americans5

The Ecological Approach to Understanding HIV/AIDS9

The Roots of Urban Decay and the Long Descent into HIV/AIDS10

Homosexuality and the African American Community15

Status and Awareness16

Resistance to the Prevention and Treatment of HIV/AIDS18




Factors influencing Infant Feeding Options by HIV Positive Mothers in South Africa



More than half the mothers gave something in addition to breast milk during the first three days. Pre-lacteal feeding was more often non-water-based, including non-human milk, among the HIV-positive mothers than among the general-population mothers. Breastfeeding was initiated within the first few hours by approximately half the mothers and within the first day by three-quarters in both groups. Pre-lacteals were less commonly given by more educated mothers. HIV-positive mothers with many children gave pre-lacteal feeding more often than mothers with few children. Mother's age, marital status and owning house or land were not significantly associated with the initial feeding patterns in either group.

Among the general-population mothers, feeding breast milk only during the first three days was associated with the father having higher education and the mother not being farmer, whilst these variables were not significantly associated with initial exclusive breastfeeding among the HIV-positive mothers. The better-off among the general-population mothers were exclusively breastfeeding more often than the poorer mothers during the first three days, while the HIV-positive mothers who were better-off opted for exclusive replacement feeding more often than their poorer peers. Education of the mothers was also associated with a higher rate of exclusive replacement feeding among the HIV-positive mothers and a higher proportion of initial exclusive breastfeeding among the general-population mothers.A comprehensive Global Strategy for Infant and Young Child Feeding, which was evolved throughout the time span 1999-2001, was formally endorsed by the World Health Organization's ruling bodies in 2002. The Global Strategy builds on past and extending achievements, encompassing the International Code of Marketing of Breast-milk Substitutes (1981) and the Baby-friendly Hospital Initiative (1991). It reaffirms the relevance and urgency of the four operational goals of the Innocenti Declaration on the Protection, Promotion and Support of Breastfeeding (1990), and it encompasses as a main concern for all authorities the accomplishment of five added operational targets.

This evaluation device is conceived to aid in accumulating and giving applicable information; in working out the power and flaws of nationwide principles and programmes to defend, encourage and support befitting feeding practices; and in concluding where improvements may be required to rendezvous the objective and objectives of the Global Strategy. Ideally, an intersectoral group - encompassing, for demonstration, events managers and employees to blame for nutrition and maternal and progeny wellbeing, academics, and nationwide and worldwide nongovernmental associations - will use the device as a cornerstone for reinforcing nationwide principles and programmes that assist to advanced infant and juvenile progeny feeding.

Since the onslaught of HIV/AIDS in the early 80's, the disease has steadily increased in the African American ...
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