Long-Term Effects Of Stress And How Massage Helps

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Long-term effects of stress and how massage helps

Long-term effects of stress and how massage helps

Long-term effects of stress and how massage helps


Stress is a feeling that's created when we react to specific events. It's the body's way of increasing to a dispute and preparing to rendezvous a strong position with aim, power, stamina, and intensified alertness.

The events that provoke stress are called stressors, and they cover an entire range of positions, everything from outright personal hazard to making a class production or taking a semester's worth of your toughest subject. (Folkman, 2003)


When the stress component is continual or repetitive, the body keeps secreting the stress hormones and their blood grades remain continuously at a higher grade and therefore the affiliated functional changes. The body now experiences stress with extra problem due to the edge consequences of the persistently high stress hormones. Some physiological problems of the brain and related stress physical symptoms like organ damage are caused by these substances. (Ogden, 2000)

Long-term effects of stress can lead to some severe physical and psychological damage to your body. It can even evolve into some long-term disorders like depression or a disquiet disorder. Chronic stress can lead to heart stress or unstable angina. Angina directs to pain in your barrel conveyed which is initiated by insufficient supply of oxygen. It can even initiate a heart attack. If you are under a tremendous allowance of tension it can lead to high blood pressure problems. (Ogden, 2000) If you have induced high blood pressure, then you are increasing your risk for a stroke. (Folkman, 2003)

Long-term effects of stress can drag down your immune system and make you vulnerable to infection, including colds and the flu. If you have prolonged stress, then you may have to bear from digestive problems, such as constipation and diarrhea. It can even lead to irritable bowel syndrome. These digestive difficulties can make you more predisposed to get peptic ulcers. (Ogden, 2000) People who have items of stress can turn to comfort eating. However the difficulty with this is that it directs to obesity. It could have the converse effect and make you lose your appetite and misplace weight. Long-term tension may also cause diabetes. (Folkman, 2003) If you have any kind of chronic pain like arthritis, then chronic stress may exacerbate the difficulty even further. Chronic stress can lead to a decline in sexual desire. It may even lead to erectile dysfunction or reproductive problems. A few of the physiological belongings of stress are cancer, diabetes, sluggish immune system, alcohol, substance abuse and cardiovascular disease. (Ogden, 2000)As you can see, stress effects on the body are numerous and potentially dangerous. It is significant to discover to organize your stress.

Long-term consequences of stress on the cardiovascular scheme can result in increased heart rate, impaired body-fluid vessels, high body-fluid pressure, and boost in serum cholesterol levels. All of which lead to an increased risk of cardiovascular infection.

During the acute stage of stress - the "fight or air travel" - body-fluid ...
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