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I would like to take this chance for thanking my research facilitator, friends & family for support they provided & their belief in me as well as guidance they provided without which I would have never been able to do this research.


Stress is one of the major concerns in any organization. Although, it has become quite common these days because of the high workload in many organizations but it must be handled effectively by the organizations. The organization these days needs to find out the appropriate strategies to handle the stress of employees. When employees are able to exert control over their stress levels, then the work even becomes easier for them. So, it is quite necessary for the organization and their employees to take care of the stress levels.

Executive Summary

There is one organization which had a title “Ancol Pty Ltd” and was seriously suffering with the problems of emotional problems in employees and the stress factor was even there. Overall, the organization was not in a favorable state and there was a need to find out the correct strategy in order to solve these problems. So, firstly the factors were identified which was causing problems for the company and then the strategies were prepared by the organization to cope up with the problems of stress. In this way, the organization was able to identify the best possible strategies to handle the major problems of employees which were very necessary. Therefore, in the end “Ancol Pty Ltd” was able to find out a way out for their problems.

Table of Contents







The organization “Ancol Pty Ltd” was suffering with the problems of stress, emotional problems of the employees. So, the higher management wanted to solve these problems in the organization. Therefore, in this topic the whole review of the problems that organizations suffered would be discussed in detail. There are different levels of stress. People normally consider that there is a mobilization of stress from the time it takes them to perform action, to seek solutions to the challenges with courage and stress from destructive when it causes an inhibition action, resignation or removal. In its most acute, chronic stress may even turn into a depression requiring medical treatment. It is, among other things and this is the reason why it is so important to detect early warning signs of stress and remedy in time to avoid any drift. Stress is an important indicator to indicate that everyone must try and understand the true origins of the discomfort and manage the situation as well for the better surroundings to find a steady state (Beehr, 1995, 13).

In order to deal effectively with the phenomenon of occupational stress, it is well to remember some basics in this field. For starters, the person and the enterprise are interdependent: the effectiveness and the health of the person depend on the proper management of the organization. On the other hand, the company cannot achieve its business without employees in good physical and mental ...
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