Marketing And Marketing Strategy

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Marketing and Marketing Strategy

Marketing and Marketing Strategy


The customer buying behaviour can be defined as the decision process that customer go through to buy a product. In this research paper I am going to select two products, one a High Involvement purchase, and one a Low Involvement purchase. The selected products are noodles for low Involvement purchase and mobile phone for High Involvement purchase.

Low involvement decisions and how it relates to the theory

As instant noodles do not require extensive effort and noodles are routine, consumers diets will tend to be monotonous and will provide little pleasure or novelty. Purchasing noodles is an example of set-pattern response behaviour, which is, consumers have some experience with the product category and a well-established set of criteria with which to evaluate the brands targeted. They may simply purchase it out of habit or review what they already know.

When deciding to buy a low involvement product, normally it will not be an expensive product and therefore consumers will use less time in making a decision. One of the main factors is that even if they find out the product(s) is not suitable or cannot meet their expectations, they can afford to lose the money. (Freeman 2008)

Consumers are quite easily influenced by their families or friends. In this case, deciding which brand of noodle is the best. The perceived risk in buying noodles is extremely low. However, as more and more food contains unhealthy ingredients, such as fertilisers or damaging chemicals, due to poor manufacturing processing in China resulting in people avoiding buying noodles which are imported from the mainland (this is a very extreme case). Due to excessive media exaggerations the general public may be poorly influenced into losing confidence in mainland manufactured goods.

In choosing a low involvement product, consumers are always attracted by the packaging or the use of some famous celebrities to do advertising in order to influence potential buyers by showing that even a pop singer also eats such common brand of noodle because of its various culinary tastes. (Stanton 2001)

We may also find that noodle advertisements always appear in entertainment magazines, which always use cute cartoon characters to draw attention. Research shows that because it's a low involvement purchase the perceived risk is low and therefore the time consumers take to go through the details is substantially less or even non-existent. Hence, advertising is important to draw the readers' attention with the use of a funny cartoon to imprint memories into people about a particular product or brand name so that when they go to a supermarket or convenience store they will grasp the noodle that sticks out most in their minds. The position of the product on the store's shelf also helps consumers in choosing the low involvement product such as noodles due to convenience. It is extremely effective on busy people or for those living alone as it helps them save time. If packaging is not attractive enough it becomes very ...
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