Midwife Promoting Breastfeeding

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Strategies that Midwifes Adapt to Promote Breast Feeding

Table of Contents


UK Nursing and Midwifery Council and Breastfeeding Guidelines3

Knowledge and Education of Midwives4

Role of Midwives During Various Stages6

Antenatal Care6

During Labour6

Postpartum Care7

Strategies to Support Breastfeeding8


Breastfeeding Information during Postnatal Visits10

Educating Women in the Maternity Wards10

Offering Supplementary Teaching10

Support of Midwives as Lactation specialists9




Strategies that Midwifes Adapt to Promote Breast Feeding


Health risks and benefits related to breastfeeding have been shown in a wide variety of areas. Human milk is a complex biological fluid that changes from feed to feed and as the infant grows and their needs change. Breast milk meets the nutritional and anti-infective requirements for healthy growth and development. Human milk contains a wide array of active protective factors including immune-protective substances, hormones, enzymes, growth factors, vitamins and other essential nutrients. All of these factors appear to play a role in the short and long-term health effects of breastfeeding (Tilley, Watson, 2004, 6-14).

The research studies and examples presented below are not all inclusive. For further information Midwifes are encouraged to explore the list of resources cited at the end of this document. Health Outcomes for Infant/Child Infants that are not fed through the breast are at greater threat for a wide range of illnesses and diseases including: obesity, diabetes (Type 1 and Type 2), gastroenteritis, severe lower respiratory tract infections, atopic dermatitis, asthma, SIDS, childhood leukaemia and urinary tract infections (Returning to midwifery in the NHS, 2004, 64-212). For new-borns that are premature, not able to drink milk of their mother's breast are linked with a connected augmented threat of contracting necrotizing enters colitis. A more recent study from Australia concluded that a smaller interval of feeding through breast perhaps is a forecaster of unpleasant psychological fitness results for the child and onto adolescence (Downe, Byrom, Simpson, 2011, 56-82).

Conversely, being breastfed may contribute to long-term cardiovascular health. Evidence suggests that breastfeeding may less the suggested pressure of the blood and overall cholesterol later in life (Downe, Byrom, Simpson, 2011, 56-82). There is some proof that feeding through breast guards in opposition to Hodgkin's disease and neuroblastoma, as well as Celiac disease (Downe, Byrom, Simpson, 2011, 56-82). There is emerging evidence indicating a potential association between breastfeeding and lower risks of Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis (Baildam, 2000, 199-215). Selected the feeding through breast decreases newborn's death rate because of widespread infancy sicknesses for instance, diarrhoea & pneumonia and assists in a prompt revival throughout sickness, research has also shown that breastfeeding protects normal dentition by promoting the appropriate growth of mouth and jaw muscles (Bam, 2009,12-14). More recent research suggests that long-standing & selected feeding through the breast develops infant's cognitive growth.

UK Nursing and Midwifery Council and Breastfeeding Guidelines

Under the UK midwifery council the aim of breastfeeding policy is:

To ensure that the health benefits of breastfeeding and health risks of formula feeding are discussed with women and their families so that they can make an informed choice about how they want to feed their babies.

To enable the health care staff and children ...
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