Nature - Environmental Issues

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Nature - Environmental Issues


The environment is everything around us, and we must take care to keep our city clean, school, home, etc., in short everything in where we can be. Environment, a set of a biotic elements (solar energy, soil, water and air) and biotic (living organisms) that make up the thin layer of Earth called Biosphere, livelihood and home living (William & Cline, p 89).

The atmosphere, which protects the Earth from excessive radiation, ultraviolet and allows the existence of life is a gaseous mixture of nitrogen, oxygen, hydrogen, carbon dioxide, carbon, water vapor, other elements and compounds, and dust particles. Heated by the Sun and the Earth's radiant energy, air circulates around the planet and changes the temperature differences. As regards water, 97% is in the oceans, 2% is ice and the remaining 1% is water freshwater rivers, lakes, groundwater and atmospheric humidity and soil. Soil is the thin mantle of material that sustains life on Earth. It is the product of the interaction of climate and rocky or bedrock substrate, such as glacial moraines and rocks sedimentary and vegetation (Ruddiman & William, p. 62). Of all of them depend on living organisms, including humans. The plant will use water, carbon dioxide and light sun to turn raw materials into carbohydrates through photosynthesis, animal life, in turn, depends on the plants in a sequence of interconnected links called network tropic. Keeping in view all these arguments and evidences, in this essay, we will analyze that how the climate change affects the life activities of human beings, animals, and plants.


Climate Change Is Already Affecting the Lives of Plants and Animals

On climate change, storks have been uncontrolled and came a month before, many, or even migrate to Africa as in Andalusia and even in Madrid. However, according to authoritative voices, is not getting the urgent and effective requiring steady or declining the case, but our lives are in it.

In addition to what is harmful to human health, our self-centeredness should not make us lose sight of the irreparable damage that is affecting all types of organic life, sustaining our own. There are many cases of behavioral changes in animals and plants because of sudden climate change (Wignall, p. 70).

To illustrate, discuss some scientific examples to this effect, the many that have been published. Contrary to the adage of, "San Blas, the stork see" these birds are returning well in advance of the holy day, on 3 February. Moreover, for some time, are present throughout the year in the wetlands. But are not the only way birds behave abnormally, so do the flamingos, egrets and some more.

Others, by contrast, delaying their arrival. The nightingale, the swallow and the cuckoo comes two weeks later over 1970, says Jose Penuelas, a biologist with the National Research Council (CSIC). The delay is related to persistent drought plaguing annual winter quarters of these birds in Africa, for which the collection of energy for their intercontinental travel time is longer. Despite the snowfall, this year, the winters are ...
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