Neural Basis Of Prosopagnosia

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Neural Basis of Prosopagnosia

Neural Basis of Prosopagnosia


The whole topic of this research is based on the location of the two brain regions in a human. These facts have been identified with the help of brain imaging research. Researchers conducted this research to explore this remarkable fact, and, then carry out an extensive research on the two brain regions. They wanted to find out the functions of these two brain regions. The location where the two regions, located is mid-fusiform gyrus and occipital gyrus. The Researchers studied the activation of these areas by using fMRI among three people who had a severe impaired face recognition, which was one exemplary developmental, and, two childhood prosopagnosic. There were no subjects that displayed the standard outline of higher fMRI activity as compare to other subjects. Furthermore, there were two patients, who experienced same foundation in the regions corresponded to the levels of FFA, and, IOG found in normal subjects. The study produced an effect on the light regarding the vital role of FFA and IOG consisting of the network areas that had an involvement of face recognition, which also indicated the limit of brain plasticity. Therefore, all issues related to neural basis of prosopagnosia will be discussed in detail.

The information extracted from the existing research

Researchers stated a fact that the occurrence of neurological syndrome of prosopagnosia produces damage on the right hand side of the region of the brain also leads to deficits in the face recognition. However, in the case of developmental prosopagnosia, several deficits in the face recognition occur and it even happens in the absence of any significant brain damage. The term known as prosopagnosia is customarily associated with several impairments in recognition tasks, but they have an association with face problems. There is numerous brain imaging studies that have mentioned certain regions of the brain that plays a role while watching faces of people. Some of the regions respond strongly to a highly selective fashion to face stimuli. A region in the mid-fusiformgyrus known as the fusiform face area (FFA) produces a very strong effect when, measured under the scale of FMRI while facing different face stimuli in different shapes. During different stages, a scan of three prosopagnosic patients using fMRI even assessed to obtain the empirical results. There was a sample size of the patients who had an average age of 45 years and suffered from pure developmental prosopagnosic, while other people had a head injury during their childhood. Developmental prosopagnosia, which is a face recognition problem, takes place in the absence of an established neurological disease. The other group of patients belonging to different age levels also went through a MRI scan that had face recognition problem. The objective of Researchers for conducting these tests was to find out the differences in level of face recognition problem that existed among the patients (Chao, 1999).

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