Nuclear Energy

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Nuclear Energy



There are various types of energy resources. Energy is the most essential need of the human kind today. The most debated form of energy is the nuclear energy. It is generated by the usage of Uranium, which is a kind of a metal. In 1956, the first power station generating nuclear power was opened. This power station was situated in Cumbria, England. About 11 percent needs of our world are met using nuclear power. Nuclear energy is produced in large amounts with the investment of very small amounts of fuel (Ollhoff, J., 2010).

Nuclear fission is used to generate the electricity as well as heat. 6 percent of the energy used in the entire world utilizes nuclear energy, where as 13 to 14 percent of the electricity is produced by nuclear energy, France, United States as well as Japan using almost half of it.



There are various advantages of using nuclear energy. The increasing issues of the greenhouse gases being released do not have to be concerned with in the use of nuclear energy. Unlike other energies, nuclear energy could be created at any place and do not require to be located at special places like oil. The nuclear plant which is used to create the energy only requires a few people to operate and mostly the plant does not experience any problems, which makes it easier to operate. Another positive reward of using nuclear energy is that a small of matter creates a large amount of energy. This highlights the fact that it would require more than 10,000 trucks loaded with coal to match the energy produced by one truck loaded with Uranium. It has been stated that an aircraft utilizing the nuclear energy can circle the planet for around thirty years, whereas the fuel of the diesel powered ...
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