Overpopulation And Its Effect

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Overpopulation and Its Effect


The world is evolving overcrowded places. The world population has increase two-fold over the past 40 years, in 1999, we met inhabitants six billionth of the Earth. In 1960 there were only 3 billion persons living, and before the first time eclipsed the human population were 1billion persons in 1804. However, the biggest youth population in the world has not ever glimpsed going into reproductive age. One billion adolescents who start to play and can be approximated to be 50 years of Earth's population will come to 10 million. Overpopulation is an issue that affects us all and the population surge on our planet is tremendous. It poses a danger to not only we as humans, but to the world around us.

Overpopulation And It Effect

The growth in population has put even greater stress on the already strained earthly resources needed to sustain life. As it is now, nearly 1/3 of the population does not have fresh water at all. If the population continues to grow as it has, conservation of the most precious resource we have will not be enough. Another resource imperative to our survival is soil, which can be eroded from farms at nearly 7 ½ tons per second. Currently there is "only 11% of the world's soil that can be farmed without being irrigated, drained, or otherwise improved." Without fertile topsoil, our food supply will diminish drastically leaving an even greater part of the earth population starving (Wright, 67-90).

Each month, five million people abandon their land and go to town. Since 1960, it has doubled the population of the world. Quality of life and the environment suffer for these drastic changes. United Nations has released a report on World Population 2001. It states that land degradation, deforestation, excessive urbanization and air pollution are major environmental challenges. To these are added two others: water depletion and reduction of biodiversity.

The Report

Since 1960, increase two-fold the number of human beings to come to 6.1 billion persons, while the development was mostly in the poorest countries. Consumer expending has more than increase two-fold since 1970 and this boost appeared mostly in wealthy countries. During this time span, we have conceived riches on an unimaginable scale, although, half of humanity still inhabits on less than two dollars a day. We wise how to extract assets for our use, but not how to organize the producing waste, for example carbon dioxide emissions by twelve times between 1900 and 2000. Through these methods, we are altering the international climate.

Currently, each part of the natural world and an icon of the human world to be connected to all others. Local conclusions have international consequences. Global principles, or need thereof, sway the localized groups and the situation under which they live. People have altered the world of environment and can be altered by him, now, the prospects for human development depends on our wisdom in the performance of these relations.

Population and Environment

Population and natural environment are nearly associated, but their connection is convoluted ...
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