Pastoral Theology

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Pastoral Theology

Pastoral Theology

Pastoral Care and Themes of Pastoral Care in the Bible

Pastoral care is defined in the biblical context as the shepherd caring flock of sheep, which typically represents the bewilderment of mankind and God's love reflected in the nature by taking care of the sheep flock. In this way, it directs towards the idea of the Jesus as a Great Shepherded (John 10:11; 1 Pet. 5:4; Heb. 13:20), with the responsibility to guide the humanity to the right path and to provide nourishment to the souls. This reflects the meaning of the pastoral care which is reflected with the concept of providing assistance, protection and guidance (Jacobs,1993, p. 31-47). It is not just the simple concept that only bound the Lord Jesus to provide the pastoral care, but God's teachings and the scripture is for all the mankind and for their guidance (Carr, 1997, p. 20- 31). This is one of the most important aspects in the Christianity to have 'Christlike' characteristics and this is only possible by following the scripture. One of the models followed in pastoral care is Evangelism.

Evangelism Model and Types

Evangelism Model depends on the theory of Evangelism. This model based on the different methods and strategies. There are different types of Evangelism on the social, cultural and political strategies. Cottrell identifies Alpha, Emmaus, Cell Church strategies for the classification of political evangelism (Cottrell, 2005, p260-262). On the basis of these methods and strategies, there are different types of Evangelism. Some of these methods and strategies are; teaching of Bible and scripture, discipleship, preaching, attending house meetings, church workshops, preaching in different religions and communities and spreading mission and Jesus teachings in the global context. It deals with the application of Biblical in the modern day practices and to guide people.

Evangelism and Biblical Teachings in Modern Day Practices

Comparison and contrast of themes of pastoral care in the Bible and modern day practice of pastoral ministry in the church

There are various themes of the pastoral care. One of the most common is the 'sound doctrine'. On the basis of this doctrine, there are different other themes in the modern day practice which serves God's sermons. As compare to the biblical themes of pastoral care such as responsibility and careful attention, the themes in the modern day practice of the pastoral ministry in the church deals with the healing, spirituality, cultural diversification, relationship, community and different other such themes ( There are also differences in the practices of pastoral care in Evangelism according to the Biblical scripture and the practices in the modern day (Woodward &Pattison, 2000 P. 143-56). On the basis of these themes, there are various differences and similarities like differences on the basis of the change in cultural practices, people have become more rational and everything now judge on the basis of the logic as compare to the traditional protestants ways (Prill, 2005, p309-330). With the changes and differences in the lifestyle of people there are changes in the practices and responsibilities towards ...
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