Performance Monitoring

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Performance Monitoring

Performance Monitoring


This paper is about Windows Server 2008, a performance monitoring tool. This windows is reliable and the performance monitoring in it is up to the mark. The Microsoft Management Console (MMC) snap-in is a function that combines the stand-alone tools and also helps in server performance advisor, the logs that shows perfroamcne and the monitoring osf the system. The graphical interface is also provided by the interfance so that it is customized as per the Data Collector Sets and even the sessions of the Event Traces. The system of monitoring reliability is also included and the changes in the system are tracked by the MMC snap-in function. After the changes are tracked, they are then compared to the changes in the stability of the system and they are presented graphically in order to show their relationship.



The trend of using the performance monitoring tool depends on the reliability and the performance to help the professionals to make sure that the impact of the performance of services and applications is monitored that will help them in knowing better. It also helps them to generate alerts and take actions that will help them in user-defined thresholds for ensuring that the performance is exceeded than expected. People who use the performance monitoign tool, do so due to the reliability of the system that refers to the measurement of how the system is operating and how it should be configured in accordance with the expectations of the performance. The reliability of the system reduces as soon as the applications do not respond, and also when the services stop and then restart.

Advances in the Reliability and the Performance Monitoring

With the advent of information technology, there are a lot of advances that have taken place. The following new features were included in the Windows Server ...
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