Personal Narrative

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Personal Narrative

[Name of Student]

Personal Narrative

In fact, for the biggest part of my life (up until I was around 19 years old), I was really shy, had little confidence and had even less belief in myself. I had a few reasonably good friends, I got good grades in school and I was pretty good at a range of activities ranging from sports to music to making things from wood or metal. However, I was not invited to many parties, I hardly had any interactions with girls and I was super shy and nervous to do anything that involved getting up in front of people and talking about my ideas or presenting my work. Even if I knew the answer to something or if I had a great idea, I would keep quiet because I would be scared of being judged by others.

I have been thinking about the reason why I was shy and had low self-esteem for so many years and I think most of it stems from my early experiences and how I was raised by my parents. Every baby starts with a clean slate and even though different people are prone to adopting different characteristics, everyone's personality is shaped by their early experiences in life and by the way in which they are brought up.

My parents were always rather protective over me and pretty strict. This conditioned me to follow the rules and guidelines that they (and any “parental figure” like teachers) set because if I broke those rules there would be unpleasant consequences. I think that this programmed me to follow rules and stick to them without really thinking for myself, even though I am sure that this was not entirely the intention.

I am happy with the way I was raised and I do not have anything bad to say about it because I can imagine it must be really difficult to raise a child in a perfect way, but it took me a while to realize that I did not have to blindly follow rules set by others. It was by pure chance that when I was on holiday (at around 19 years old), I started reading a book about picking up girls. The book was called “The Game” and it documented the story of how a few total nerds who were really shy and horrible with women taught themselves to gets girls by the dozens every time they went out. I could relate to this very much and it spiralled me into a journey of research about picking up girls. As a consequence, I started learning about everything else related to the personal development field since being able to get girls ties into all aspects of life like confidence, knowing what you want from life, your career, your fitness etc.

I literally spent about 4 years reading and applying pretty much every popular personal development guide, book and course available. Although initially my main goal was just to be able to get girls and dates whenever ...
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