Phonics Vs Sight Words

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Phonics Vs Sight Words: How are they used to prepare for a National Spelling Bee?

Phonics vs. Sight Words: How are they used to prepare for a National Spelling Bee?

We must not frighten the term "phonic." phonics "comes from the Greek word phone, which means" voice "or" sound. In this connection he refers to the method of learning to read and write in English, which focuses on the sound, or rather the sounds letters make. This method, which uses the alphabet - and the sound of each letter, is - as its cornerstone.

This should be contrasted with systems such as' whole language method, which ignores the letter and simply encourages students to learn every word in the English language, as a whole, indivisible unit. Whole language methods were not interested in the sounds the letters make.

It is obvious, but sometimes forget is that the alphabet is really sound code. In other words, each letter represents a special sound -! For apple, b! On the bed with! For cats, etc. (Note: the Fitzroy method uses an exclamation mark after the letter indicate that we are talking about the sound the letter makes).

This is not to be confused with the name of each letter is - for example, yes, a bee, Central and Eastern Europe, de, etc. The word "cat", for example, consists of 3 with sound!! And t! Run them together and you get the word cat '. It is not made from the letter names together - Central and Eastern Europe, yes, tea. It makes no sense to say: "Here in Central and Eastern Europe, yes, tea.

General rule of phonics, so that words are formed by the letter sounds to put together, not the letter names combined. Given what we just said, it is not surprising that the sound system all start with teaching students to recognize letters of the alphabet and the sounds those letters make (Garan 2002).

Once this is done is already possible to read a lot of English words. All that we need to do is to 'decode' them. We see the pigs, the word "on the page, for example, and we will turn the letters into sounds: p! I! r! We hold these sounds, and we get the word pig. "

The beautiful thing about the system of phonics, that as soon as we have learned to recognize letters and sounds that they make, even many big words may be decrypted (read).

Think about words like 'tunnel', 'pipe', and 'the pond, “Picnic” and “confident” - they can be passed through That is, if you know the basic sounds the letters make (e.g., B! For' bats' r! For Zebra, etc.) And run them together (from left to right), you can read all of them without difficulty.

This is perhaps the most impressive element of the program phonics: training decrypted only 26 characters, you may have read thousands and thousands of English words! Naturally, the phonics is more than just learning the ...
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