Physical Exercise As Preventive Measure In Childhood Obesity

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Physical Exercise As Preventive Measure In Childhood Obesity-Literature Review

Physical Exercise As Preventive Measure In Childhood Obesity-Literature Review

Obesity is defined as unnecessary accumulation of body fat. "Obesity is present when total body weight is more than 25 percent fat in boys and more than 32 percent fat in girls (Lohman, 1987). Although childhood obesity is often defined as the weight for height above 120 percent of ideals, skinfold measure are more accurate determinants of corpulence (Dietz, 676-686; Lohman, 1987). Skinfold thickness is the technique used to assess body composition by measuring double skin thickness at particular location of body. When triceps and calf are used, with the total skin folds of 10-25mm is best for boys, and 16-30mm is best for girls (Lohman, 1987).

According Torgan, “number of overweight children has doubled in last two or three decades, currently one in five children is overweight," (2002). Several factors have contributed to increasing number of obese children. Lack of physical activity is main cause of obesity in children. Children have decreased their participation in physical activity, and increased participation in sedentary

Activities duration usually consisted of riding the bike, chasing each other, and playing sports, is now being used to watch TV, surf Internet or playing video games. For example, several studies by Dietz have found that television viewing increased percentage of time children spend in sedentary activities. Without the corresponding reduction in calorie intake, obesity can produce ("Television" 543 to 550). Many health professionals prescribe type of impact exercise for obese children, however, these children often suffer from joint pain or discomfort because of their excess weight, and often noncompliant.

Poor dietary habits and environment has also contributed to overweight children. Children are consuming more foods that are high in calories. They are more inclined to eat when not hungry, eating while watching TV, and / or eating while doing homework. consumption of well-balanced meals, home together has become obsolete for many families. Instead, rely on fast food that is cheap and convenient. In an attempt to increase profits, fast food franchises food advertising and tasteful attractions that are high in calories. In addition, we as consumers are more inclined to "super-size or king size" the meal order value. In doing so, add extra calories to the meal that is already high in calories and saturated fat.

Although most of causes of obesity in children are modifiable and others not. Genetics is the non-modifiable causes of obesity. Increased risk of obesity found in children of obese parents and overweight. Since not all children who eat junk food, watch television several hours the day, and are relatively inactive develop obesity, search continues for other causes. Heredity has recently been shown to influence

In addition, babies born to overweight mothers have been found to gain more weight and less active than age of three months compared with infants of mothers with normal weight. This suggests the possible inborn drive to conserve energy. According to Lohman, not all obese children become obese children, ...
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