Physical Exercise

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Physical Exercise


The essay is focused to provide benefits of physical exercise on human body in relation to aging. Exercise activities, resulting in reduction of skeletal muscle. The term is usually used to refer to any activity that promotes physical fitness (Encarta, exercise). Aging is inevitable, but exercise can help you live longer healthier lives.


Aristotle was a famous philosopher of the time, who brought this concept to people at that time. In 1523, Spanish explorer and conquistador Ponce de Leon went searching for the legendary Fountain of Youth. He discovered Florida. The idea of the mythical young people is still very much alive in our culture, because we want to look young and we really want to be young (Encarta, exercise). This is one of the ironies of life. As a child you cannot wait to be an adult. Then, when you were grown for a while, you need to do anything to be young again. Exercise is one of "nothing" a person can do to not only feel young, but physiologically slow the aging process.

To prevent or delay the aging of way must be found to control an overactive gene, say, Samuel Goldstein of the University of Arkansas, and Anna McCormick, Ph.D. from the National Institute on Aging. The ultimate anti-aging discovery will be a drug that can suppress a master gene that stops cells from the beginning of their destructive course (Fixx, p. 12). Prior to this discovery (and after) our anti-aging bullet may be exercise. Exercise is closest to the anti-aging pill is, Alex says Leif, MD, a professor at Harvard Medical School of Gerontology. "Regular daily physical activity was a way of life for almost all the person who has reached age 100 in good conditions." Research at the National Institute on Aging has repeatedly shown that regular exercise and strength training can have a huge impact on the rate of human aging and may prevent disability and disease, we are accustomed to think of as the inevitable price of Aging.

There are many aging affects the body and different body systems. Bruises easily obtained because the blood vessels near the surface to relax. The brain loses the ability to remember and learn how cells die. The nervous system becomes slower to react to stimuli. This process of the nervous system and brain can be accelerated by the overuse of alcohol and other drugs, as well as repeated blows to the head. Your senses become slower and less dramatic loss of nerve cells. This process is accelerated by smoking and repeated exposure to loud noise. Lungs become less efficient, as the elasticity decreases. This process is accelerated by smoking, poor air quality, and insufficient exercise. The heart pumps less efficiently, making the exercise more difficult. This process is accelerated by excessive alcohol and tobacco use and poor nutrition. Treatment worsens and blood pressure rises, as the hardening of the arteries. The process is accelerated injury and obesity. Compounds lose their mobility and reduce the appearance of constant wear and ...
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