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System of ruling

System of Ruling

Five Talking Points of the Corporation Documentary

This documentary aims to discuss what basically corporation means

To find out real meaning of profit

To find out true personality of a corporate person

To analyze the mindset of the cooperate person

T o analyze the importance of democracy to the cooperation.

Five Talking Points of the Inside Job Documentary

To analyze the role of Government towards the people of the country

Effect of government policy on the lives of people

Does the banking crises of 2008 could be prevented

Is the Banking crises 2008 was due to poor governance from the banks

One man show of governance a good idea

Positive and Negative attributes of Socialism

Positive Attributes

It shows that the best way of serving the people is to develop policies based on the needs of the people

It promotes the concept of equality among people

It prohibits the idea of creating difference between the rich and poor

Socialism is the best approach toward the economic success

Socialism and democracy can change the complex of the country

Negative Attributes

Due to socialism a person tends to expect good deed from all corners

Socialism leads to greedy attitude

In socialism rich person become more rich, which gives them the power of doing what they want

Burden on poor increase with implementation of new taxes

Socialism aims to help poor, but this actually does not happen as the money goes into the wrong hand

Positive and Negative Attributes of Capitalism

Positive Attributes

Capitalism allows people to grow

It helps economy to grow and encourage competition in the market

It allows person to earn on the basis of its impotence in the society

It encourages the people to contribute towards the society

it decreases the unemployment level in the country

Negative Attributes

It allows freedom of wealth to everyone and that raise the question of how to earn a wealth

In brings inequality and also give air to legal inequality

It promotes the ...
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