Post Traumatic Stress Disorder

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Post Traumatic Stress Disorder

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder


Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, or PTSD, is an anxiety type of disorder that can occurs after a person witnesses or experiences an extremely unpleasant of traumatic event, which had involved a threat of injury or death. It is an extremely unstable state of mind, which not only disturbs the person undergoing this disorder, but also adversely affects the people around him. PTSD is classified primarily as anxiety disorder, but can also lead to depression, emotional numbness and memory disturbances in which the patient feels as if reliving the trauma. PTSD may occur immediately after a major trauma, or take more than 6 months after the event. In some cases, the people are plunged into this disorder due to something they see, hear or even smell that relates or reminds them of the original event. Some people have a more prolonged disease that can last for many years. (Gersons & Carlier, 1992)

Stress is naturally existing forces from the outside or the inside of a person that affect the person dramatically. The individual responds to stress in ways that affect the individual as well as their environment. Some individuals are mentally strong and can cope up with the stressors, while others fall prey of the tensions and sink into Post Traumatic Stress Disorders. Due to the excessive building up of stress in modern lives, people often believe that stress is an extremely negative experience, but the biological perspective views stress as being purely neutral, negative, or positive type of experiences. (Gersons & Carlier, 1992)


PTSD is a sort of state of stress, which is characterized by extremely intense emotional state of mind, which is dominated by guilt, anxiety, anger, hostility, rage, sometimes shame, and very often the sadness and even depression (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder has a high co-morbidity with depressive disorder, about 60-80% of people have both disorders). This state produces a strong emotional distress and mental imbalance, behavioral problems and high physiological arousal at the time to readjust to the different facets of everyday life. (Bryant, Harvey & Dang, 1998)

Symptoms of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder

In general, stress is related to both internal and external factors. External factors encompass the physical environmental features that include an office interactions, relationships with people, family members and home, and all the various types of challenges, situations, difficulties, and expectations someone might have confronted frequently. (Bryant, Harvey & Dang, 1998)

PTSD is a very strange state of stress disorder that is related to emotional as well as behavioral issues. This state produces a strong behavioral and emotional effects, which can result in excess stressful thoughts that include anxiety, nervous feelings and altered eating habits. Most of the other related symptoms include overeating, decreased enthusiasm and energy level, bad mood and the state of easily getting irritated. (Bryant, Harvey & Dang, 1998)

People experiencing stressful thoughts, emotions or behaviors also have a great probability to indulge in unhealthy behaviors, which might include excessive use or abuse drugs including ...
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