Principles Of Management

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Principles of Management

Principles of Management


Our business analysis is based on the management of McDonald's, the Big Mac therefore begin our study with a brief overview of the principles of McDonald's.

The first McDonald's was opened by the brothers McDonald's in 1948, becoming the first local in the history of fast food in San Bernardino, California (USA), offering fast food, food that is prepared and served previously at high speed. No doubt the basis of their success was to replace the conventional dishes used by the rest of restaurants, and paper bags.

They soon reached a high level of sales and although the menu was limited success was growing. While McDonald's offers its customers a standard menu in all its premises, it is common that these menus are combined with special products that are developed in each culture depending on the tastes of customers (Baron & Kreps, pp. 55-79).


The company brought in this new market for fast food quick service concept original, where the details are taken care of as possible, to give consumers an excellent product.

The operating philosophy of McDonald's system is based on Quality, Service, Cleanliness and Value for 44 years.

The company offers a standard menu, but each culture develops special products to suit the tastes of the community (Becker and Gerhart, pp. 779-801).

McDonald's is successful because it has a system of corporate rules and individual opportunities to all franchisees are brought into the same philosophy of values and expectations clear.

WORKERS For McDonald's employees are the most important. It is thanks to them for what customers get an amazing experience at every visit and come back. The principles of Quality, Service & Cleaning beginning with their own employees, McDonald's guide all actions in accordance with organizational values such as teamwork, a passion for the job provide the best of themselves, being involved with peers and with company's mission, to have integrity in every action, be leaders (Beer, Spector and Lawrence, pp. 269-317). McDonald's is a company that offers work predominantly young people over 16 years, which is why, as their working hours are quite flexible in order to continue their studies, adding work experience only, may even become the first step of a great career in an international company. McDonald's encourages its employees to consider, being the most suitable system for this, with this idea the company has designed several internship programs: Secondary Internship Program: useful for young people who are studying and want to continue to do so. This access to a first work experience that qualifies you to make the team and make a career in both the company and elsewhere. Further study is essential for program benefits. The eligibility requirements for the program are: be 16 years old and studying 3 rd, 4th or 5th of secondary school and the company has agreed with the implementation (Boxall, pp. 59-75). Student Internship Program Marketing: McDonald's offers the opportunity for all college students taking courses ...
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