Project Management

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Project Management

Project Management


Project is a mission, undertaken to create a unique facility, product or service within the specified scope, quality, time and costs. Project can also be defined as organisation and performance of resources such as men, money, machinery, materials, space and technology into logical sequence of activities.

Most projects start with a need to have a new facility long before designers start designs and drawing of the projects and certainly before field construction work can commence. Elements of this phase include:

Conceptual analysis

Technical and feasibility studies and

Environmental impact reports.

Here, our project is to build a cricket stadium outside a mega city over a piece of land in 16 months.

Day by day craze for cricket is soaring not only in old aged or middle aged people but youngsters and teenagers, boys and girls-everybody is taking keen interest to watch cricket either to watch on TV screen or at cricket stadium.

5 Days test cricket is the oldest form of the game. So many people like to watch this sort of game because it is said that test cricket is real ''test'' for cricketers. Due to its long time (5 days) few people would like to go to the stadium to enjoy it.

Then came more exciting cricket called '' one dayers'' or limited overs matches. It became popular very quickly because of its short time and more excitement and uncertainties till the last ball of the game.

Some business minded people revolutionized the idea of shorter games viz 20T or 20-20 overs matches. Its real excitement. In only few overs batsmen hit lot of runs. Showering fours and sixes tense the bowlers' nerves but beat the heart throbs of the cricket lover spectators. Commercialization of the game is also eyecatching.Now the beauty and glamour is added to the game. Cheer leaders are the dancers (mostly beautiful girls wearing short clothes) who encourage batsmen to hit more and more runs or bowlers to take more wickets. Indian Cricket League (ICL) and Indian Premiere League (IPL) are new tournaments which are becoming more and more popular.

Meanwhile technology was improving and become part of the game. Before there was only TV and newspapers, but now we have internet. We have digital cameras with extra zoom, stump vision cameras, speedometers to check the speed of the ball thrown by the bowlers, digital sound systems, graphics systems, all the necessary data of the past cricket comes on the screen within a few seconds. These all aspects strengthen the idea that cricket will live and it is part of our lives.

Stadium is to be built near the megacity. Resources will be available easily. Machinery and manpower will be available at ease. Infrastructure facilities are there so the roads and transportation, electricity, water, and materials will be available easily.

Market is highly competitive and we are living in the era of Advertising and marketing. So many companies would like to sponsor matches. Lot of money can be generated through giving rights to the television channels for broadcasting of the ...
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