Prokaryotes And Eukaryotes

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Prokaryotes and Eukaryotes


This essay is going to discuss about the two groups of living organisms which are distinguished on the basis of anatomy - the eubacteria and archaeans and it will discuss in detail about the structures of these two living organisms. Different research journals and books are used as a resource and their respective references are cited as well.


Characteristics which divides organism in prokaryotes and eukaryotes

Among all types of living organism, cells can be classified in to two basic morphological types' eukaryotes and prokaryotes.


The eukaryotes are defined as an organism, which contains complex cell structures enclosed within membranes. (Palladino, 2005)The major membrane-bound structure which separates the eukaryotic from prokaryotic cells is nuclear envelope, or nucleus with in which the genetic substance is carried. The existence and presence of the nucleus provides eukaryotes with their name which is taken from the Greek language. Majority of the eukaryotic cells also include other membrane bound organelles for example mitochondria, Golgi apparatus and the chloroplasts. The division of cells in eukaryotes is distinct from other organisms that don't have prokaryotes (nucleus). It entails separating the replicated chromosomes, by movements directed by microtubules.

The Eukaryotes has three distinct characteristics

Their function - They contain different organelles like chloroplast and mitochondrion which performs energy conversion and metabolic functions.

Size - they are comparatively around 10 times larger than prokaryotes cell.

Structure - It has a presence of a nucleus, with a double membrane-bound control which separates from genetic material.


The prokaryotes are defined as a group of living organisms lacking a cell nucleus, or any further membrane-bound organelles. (Griffiths, 2004)Majority of the prokaryotes are unicellular, but still few for example myxo-bacteria does have multi-cellular stages in their respective life cycles. The work prokaryotes had derived from the Greek language. Prokaryotes don't have nucleus, such as mitochondria, or other different membrane bound organelles.

In other words we can say that neither their DNA nor any other sites of metabolic movements are collected together in a separate membrane-enclosed portion. Instead of it, everything is quite openly reachable within the cell, and few of which are free floating as well. Normally it is established that prokaryotes as a group don't possess taxonomic value. (Harvey, 2003)They are followed by two domains which are Achaea and bacteria. The characteristics which differentiates prokaryotes from Eukaryotes are as under

•They lack a nucleus

•They also tend to lack other different membrane-bound organelles

•The prokaryotic cell ...
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