Prop 19 Pros And Cons

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Prop 19 Pros and Cons

Prop 19 Pros and Cons


What would occur if Proposition 19 passed in November? What kind of political alterations could America probably undergo? California's account to legalize the increasing, ownership, sale, and utilisation of marijuana for mature individuals over the age of 21 is one of the most contentious political matters of up to date America, overshadowed only by the matters of gay privileges, and abortion. California's Proposition 19 has amazingly profited a large allowance of support from California voters. Right now, Richard Lee, creator of Prop 19, is looking like a political genius. Many governmental strategists accepted that 2010 was not the perfect year for such a contentious account to overtake, saying that the account had a better possibility in 2012.



Even the boss controller of National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws (NORML) Allen St. Pierre counseled Lee contrary to selecting this year. However, as of the newest sample by the Public Policy Institute of California, 52% of the votes are in favor ( The most of votes came from junior demographics, and mostly from Democrats. With an election threatening inquiries about how statewide ballot assesses might sway government (broadly) have been posed.  Nowhere is this more salient than in California; where Proposition 19, if passed, will legalize marijuana.  Polling over the year has discovered public attitude mostly divide on the measure; though most ( display a slender plurality supportive Prop 19.  Of course a latest Newsweek sample displays a slender plurality are against to the proposition (standard caveats about margin of mistake apply).

Should marijuana legalization become a legitimate agenda piece in Congress, Proposition 19 could be a cue for constituents of California's House delegation.  While there haven't been any prescribed votes in Congress on the topic, Barney Frank (D-MA) and three cosponsors (including Dana Rohrabacher (R-CA)) presented a marijuana legalization account in 2009 (the “Personal Use of Marijuana by Responsible Adults Act”).  Their suggestion would legalize marijuana and levy it at a specific rate. Frank furthermore presented a medicinal marijuana account (HR 2835) permitting medical practitioners territory broad to prescribe marijuana for health purposes.  Currently both accounts are under concern, which can effortlessly be converted into, “will not ever glimpse the lightweight of day.” We're not going to get into the deserves of these bills.  Regardless, twosome this with the detail that 13 states have decriminalized marijuana, and the considered of these accounts coming to the floor in the beside future does not appear so far fetched (Nutt et al, 2007).

Thus, it is likely that Proposition 19 will supply a “moment of clarity” for these constituents and disclose in equitably unambiguous periods what their constituents desire from them.  A latest sample undertook by Newsweek proposed that there is a amazingly high number of Americans (45%) who assertion to support California's legalization efforts.  Maybe we're out of the loop on nationwide public attitude on this topic, but this appears high to ...
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