Psychoanalytic Theories Of Freud & Erikson

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Psychoanalytic Theories of Freud & Erikson

Psychoanalytic Theories of Freud & Erikson

Psychoanalytic Theories of Freud & Erikson


Psychology may become respected as a science. Objectivity and the scientific method is a way of psychological operations. Nevertheless, even the psychologists can only theorize about what makes a human being to act as they do. Supremes are not portion of psychology. Theorists give us their views and ideas about life. In the field of psychology, there are lots of different areas of interest. Human development is one of the most popular areas of interest to those who study psychology.


Freud is known as the father of psychology. Although some of his work was rejected, the majority still has weight in the world of psychology.

Freud's theory of human development could be called psychosexual stages of development. Freud believed human beings have gone through different stages in their lives, based on what part of his body gave them sexual gratification.

According to Freud the oral stage occurs from birth to one year. At this stage the child verbally oriented. Everything that concerns the child is placed in the mouth. Freud believed that children do it because it gives them pleasure. When the baby sucks his thumb, he does it because it gives it gives him satisfaction.

The second stage of Freud's theory of psychosexual development occurs between the ages of two to three years. Erogenous zones shifts location, thus moving from one stage to another. Freud believed that children subjected to sexual satisfaction during defecation, and when they hold a bowel movement. Some children may even experience the pleasure of handling, looking or thinking about their own feces(Douvan 1997 pp.15-21).

The shift in erogenous zones moves from the anal region to the genitals. This stage is furthermore renowned as the Oedipal stage of psychosexual development. This call comes ...
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