Sigmund Freud's Psychodynamic Theory

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Sigmund Freud's Psychodynamic theory

Sigmund Freud's Psychodynamic theory

Thesis Statement

Sigmund Freud's Psychodynamic theory does not constitute proper science.


Sigmund Freud regarded to be founder of psychodynamic approach to psychology and as well as psychoanalysis, presented his own theory on psychology. His psychoanalysis was the original psychodynamic approach and where as his overall ideas were also included in whole of the psychodynamic approach. Freud started his work from field of psychotherapy by creating psychoanalysis and developing theories about the unconscious mind and proposed that majority of the behavior comes from dreams.

Psychodynamic approach specifically revolves around unconsciousness and personality structure that is intuitions and communication of human within him. Freud's theory merely was psychoanalytic and psychodynamic includes his follower's theories too. His overall theories are extracted from his conversation with his patients during therapy.

Psychodynamic approach is based on assumptions that it is unconscious motives which affect behavior and feelings and those feelings as adults comes from each childhood experiences. All behavior is unconscious having some cause and all should be determined.

According to this approach, Personality is divided among; id, ego and super-ego. “Id” also further includes Eros (Sex drive and life instinct) and Thanatos (Aggressive drive and death instinct). Their also conflict arises with conscious part (ego) with unconscious part (the id and superego). As due to different conflicts arises at childhood it drives to personality modification. The id is driven from sex drive and need for food and warmth it is basically childish side of personality, super-ego is totally opposite of the id which tend to be conscience and seeks to be acting in a socially acceptable manner and ego lies in between them. Majority of anxiety comes from balancing all these as patient may also enter into phobia if it hit patient with one of their anxieties.

Psychodynamic approach being criticize that it does not constitute proper science. Theory is based on unconscious assumptions and personality types (id, ego and super-ego) that it is really impossible scientifically to analyze human behavior. To sum it all up, Sigmund Freud's psychodynamic theories of the unconscious assumes a private and personal mind; a mind that is populated with wishes, desires and needs that have a biological intra-psychological origin and which follow endemic mechanical laws (Ratner, 1994).


Sigmund Freud Psychodynamic theory was merely based on unconscious assumptions which do not reflect proper science. It was earlier thought that Freud, psychoanalysis can generate happiness. According to him and prevailing traditions of psychoanalytic, personality is dominated by an irrational, personal id and individuals which is surrounded with different heavy environmental pressures. In case if there is no influence of an internalized superego, individuals can give expressions to sex and aggression. His belief in destructiveness of the id comes across too when he with his in-born assumptions transform society from religious to non-religious views. It is also confirmed in the past scientific researches that Freud's ideas are merely because of his id destruction.

Psychodynamic is revolving around unconscious and it reveal that it actually exists for which there ...
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