Psychology Final

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Psychology final

Psychology final

Short Answer

1) Kelly is talking to her friend while you are lecturing. What is an appropriate “I-message” you could use with Kelly? A non-verbal response? A verbal response?

For example as a verbal response, I will say to Kelly, "When you talk in between the lectures, I get concerned that you will loose the concentration and suffer loss."

For expressing feelings as non-verbal response, I would go for a simpler form. I will refer directly to feelings ("I'm angry"), or describe what Kelly would like to do ("You would like to leave the room now").

2) Explain the following situation in terms of attribution theory (e.g., the three dimensions): Samantha's mother helps her study for an addition test on Tuesday and a subtraction test on Thursday. Samantha passes the Tuesday test and is quite proud of herself. She fails the Thursday test and blames her mother for not helping her enough.

In attribution theory on achievement there is ability, effort, task difficulty, and luck as the most important factors affecting attributions for achievement. Attributions are classified along three causal dimensions: locus of control, stability, and controllability. (Anita 2003)

According to attribution theory, In the above scenario, Samantha will approach rather than avoid tasks related to succeeding because she believe success is due to high ability and effort which they are confident of. Failure is thought to be caused by bad luck or a poor exam, i.e. not her fault, hence she is blaming her mother. Thus, failure doesn't affect Samantha self-esteem but success builds pride and confidence. Thus, even when successful, it isn't as rewarding to Samantha because she doesn't feel responsible, i.e., it doesn't increase her pride and confidence.

3) Describe how your students' level of anxiety is likely to affect their classroom learning and performance, being sure to include the concepts of “facilitating anxiety” and “debilitating anxiety” in your discussion.

Students' level of anxiety is likely to affect the classroom learning and performance. There is a correlation between language test scores and anxiety, which led students to conclude the mild anxiety, could be beneficial. This issue of facilitating versus debilitating may be central to research on anxiety in students, in which the relationship between competitiveness and anxiety appears to result in either an unsuccessful or successful self-image. The successful self-image and the unsuccessful self-image subjected to facilitating anxiety enter a cycle of enhanced learning and positive (mostly internal) rewards. The unsuccessful self-image subjected to debilitative anxiety however, enters a different cycle of perceived failure, which can be broken by future facilitating anxiety (if the student continues in the language course).

Cognitive and affective components of anxiety were identified as "worry" and "emotionality", and concerns about impending events", often taking the form of distraction, self-related cognition such as excessive self-evaluation, worry over potential failure, and concern over the opinions of others. Such outcomes often impair task performance, which has itself been the subject of much research into language anxiety (often to the exclusion of the cognitive activity preceding that performance, results of which suggest that ...
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