Quantitative Research Design

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Quantitative Research Design


Quantitative research is directly based on the paradigm explanatory. This paradigm uses quantitative information preferably quantifiable to describe or attempt to explain the phenomena studied in the forms it can be done at the level of logical structure in which are the current social science. The objective of quantitative research is to gain knowledge fundamental and most appropriate choice of model that allows us to know Actually a more fair because it collects and analyzes data through concepts and variables.

Table of Contents


Discussion and Analysis4

Quantitative Research Plan5

Strengths and Limitations of Research Designs5

Selecting Participants7

Research Design7

Data Collection8

Recommended Design9




Quantitative Research Design


The study is related to the quantitative research which will be mainly highlighting over its entire framework. Quantitative methods are essentially a variety of research techniques that are used to gather quantitative data. There are a variety of different types of quantitative methods, which are briefly outlined in this section: experiments, quasi experiments, content analysis, and surveys. First, in experiments, participants are randomly assigned to experimental conditions, as well as experimental controls. The individuals who are assigned to experimental controls are testing the independent variable.

Discussion and Analysis

Quantitative research is the method of choice for a researcher who seeks to clarify phenomena through specifically designed and controlled data collection and analysis. Within that methodology lays a broad spectrum of approaches. Experimental Research Identifies at least one independent variable for interventions and is manipulated, whereas other, related variables are controlled; effects on dependent variables are observed (e.g., measuring student achievement levels by examining and controlling selected variables such as age, grade level, reading level, time, teacher characteristics, etc.); two subgroups fall within this category: true experimental and quasi-experimental research (Lohr 1998).

Quantitative Research Plan

For a solid proposal, the researcher needs to write in such a way that the study can be envisioned by the readers. The proposal should be clear and concise, with attention to detail. The following subgroups represent the sections of a written plan for conducting quantitative research (Levy 2003).

Strengths and Limitations of Research Designs

Cross-sectional Experiment Designs

Cross-sectional design is appropriate to cross, when research is focused on analyzing what is the level or status of one or several variables at one time or is the relationship between a set of variables at a point in time. It may include several groups or subgroups of people, objects or indicators. When the researcher's interest is to analyze changes over time in certain variables or relations are then available cross-sectional design, which collect data over time points or time periods, to make inferences about change, its determinants and consequences.

Overall experimental research occurs when the subjects (people or social systems) and conditions (events or situations) to be studied are manipulated by the researcher. Cross-sectional research is a design in which a sample of the elements of a population at a time. Often this is called survey research design. This research design is the most popular and where people are more familiar. The survey design is useful to describe the characteristics of consumers and determine ...
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