Reliability And Standardisation

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Reliability and standardisation


The EPQ-R questionnaire of Eysenck and theory proposes a personality structure with hierarchical structure. At the basic level are located the specific actions, then actions are common. The basic level and second level interact and give rise to a third level features / trends of behavior. The fourth level consists of the dimensions, defined by traits (Extraversion, Psychoticism and Neuroticism).

The dimensions of personality are to determine the features and related to common and specific behaviors. As one moves down the hierarchy, the context and environment are gaining in importance. The basic dimensions of personality have been established through factor analysis of the inter correlations, noting a large number of variables, and grouping them into factors.

Extraversion dimension (E), along with the Neuroticism (N), and were studied by Jung in neurotic crises: think that introverts suffer anxiety disorders type, dysthymic etc, and outgoing, type hysterical, dissociative and somatoform. To Eysenck, the two dimensions are independent, and their interaction is what determines the type of neurotic disorder, as was apparent in studies with soldiers suffering from neurotic disorders.

Reliability and standardization of personality tests

The EPQ-R test has, like most tests, both disadvantages and advantages. Among the disadvantages, we believe the L or Lie scale is not a good distinction between simulation and dissimulation, already referred to both as the subject's attempt to make a good impression. Regarding the analysis of the case, it revealed other deficiencies that we consider important to emphasize. First, although the test appears to be psychometrically valid and relatively reliable through clinical cases appear contradictory. Thus, the subject who was applied to the test, diagnosed as schizophrenic decomposition, according to the results obtained no psychotic features, with the highest level of neuroticism. : (Graybar, S. & Leonard, L. 2005)

? the subject had been misdiagnosed, which may explain the inconsistency with the profile yielded by the EPQ-R. This hypothesis has been ruled out since both the observed behavior during testing and clinical interview confirmed the diagnosis of schizophrenia.

? the subject had lied and that the scale of validity of the test is not effective in order to screen subjects, who are lying,

? That the test does not measure what it says it measures, in other words the test invalid. Another disadvantage, very worrying, is that despite the limited validity of this instrument is widely used for recruitment in the organizational field.

Reliability Statistics

Cronbach's Alpha

Part 1



N of Items


Part 2



N of Items


Total N of Items


Correlation Between Forms


Spearman-Brown Coefficient

Equal Length


Unequal Length


Guttman Split-Half Coefficient


Data Analysis

Data Analysis for Obtaining Standards

The data analysis consisted primarily in analysis of variance to test the different scales of stratification variables as the sample, considering an alpha of 0.05. The objective was to determine whether there were differences in the scores of subjects by level of the test, as appropriate the various groups stratified.(Hans J Eysenck & 1975)

Data Analysis for Reliability Study

Internal Consistency We proceeded to apply the formula for the Cronbach alpha coefficient which are values ??ranging between 0 and ...
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