Religion In Society

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Religion in Society


This paper is a reflection of “Religion in Society," which highlights the topics “the significance of mega church” and the “Future of religions in America”.

Significance of Mega church

At the most basic level, a mega church is a congregation which has two thousands to more worship attendance in a week. The mega church is the newly structured organization like any other, in order to understanding the dynamics of mega church, one must see it as a social phenomenon rather than as individual moments of spectacular growth. The mega-church pastors inspire their authority. So when a leader leaves, normally repressed grievances come to the surface (Thumma, 85). The mega church is important for the society to keep people integrated because the religious institutions make people to interact with each other on the principles of religion. These principles not only teach to believe in God but to led a life which is required by god. So is the purpose of Mega church to remind people about their duties as being social care takers and the guardian of God's commands. A place of worship, in fact, even outside the celebration, is a lively place where people speak the prayer of the assembled and invisible reality. He is a Christian when he gives first place in Christ. Everything is organized meanings involving art and beauty. Therefore, what legitimacy for an exhibition in a place without it enough? Why we cannot find a place to come jam the sense that space is already carrying? The question arises for any place of worship, even those in which, like most of our miles Morbihan chapels, worship is often reduced to an annual pardon. Solicitation of a place for an exhibition can be an opportunity for everyone in the neighborhood, come first in their own understanding of the ...
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