Renaissance Era

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Art Role in Renaissance Era

Art Role in Renaissance Era


The 15th and 16th century is known to be the renaissance period The Renaissance had started when people realized they wee no longer living in the middle ages The Renaissance divided the past not according to divine plan of salutation ,but on the basis of human achievements. They saw the classical ancient style in the Era which L man had reached the peak of his creative powers. This Era brought to a sudden end by barbarians invasions that destroyed the Roman Empire. During the 1000 years of internal darkness middle age took place revival of all those classical ancient style. Renaissance could be known as “rebirth”. Petrach was the first great man of all who made the Renaissance.[1]

Italy played an important role in the development of Renaissance art at least until the early 16th century. Modom scholar says that it was expressed in more than 500 years ago that Renaissance began soon after 1400. Wood must take it that Renaissance painting began about in 1300, a full generation petrach .Its second revolution the place to go beyond the realism of Gothic painting.

Art in the middle age was over powered by the church. It gave great importance to mural virtures and mysteries of faith.It were used to decorate cathedrale. Its main subject were Christ. Marry and Saints. It which not realistic and natural but the renaissance art was over powered by the script of Naturalism and Humanism. Great stress was laid on beauty, grace, elegance, harmony of shades and balanced form was real and life like. The artists were interested in man and their activities in this world.


Though the subject was still religious yet. The figures were true and life like and the painters gave great importance to the beauty of human body. Painting known as frescos were painted on the plaster walls. Oil paintings were also invented The Italian painter Cimabue giottio painted the way for new school. They combined homely incidents with the regions subject. These paintings are full of humor and love or realism.[2]

Reconsidering the Renaissance However, it is not only the term 'Art' that we need to consider carefully. In fact, the first part of this volume's title, 'Renaissance', is also more complex than may appear at first glance. The word literally means 'rebirth', but has come to be associated more generally with revival and innovation, often in a variety of fields of endeavour.

Most scholars agree that the notion, if not the word itself, can be traced back to 14th-century Italy and the rise of humanism. In this period, writers such as Petrarch and Boccaccio began to articulate a longing for the Classical world of ancient Greece and Rome, with particular emphasis on reviving the languages and intellectual traditions of these long-dead civilizations.[3] In the mid-16th century, the painter and art historian Giorgio Vasari used the Italian version of the word 'Renaissance', rinascita, to refer explicitly to the revival not only of the artistic ...
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