Research Study Critique

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Quantitative Research Study Critique

Quantitative Research Study Critique


In recent years there have been discussions about the different research methods. The quantitative and qualitative methods have involved different epistemological positions as philosophical; each defended their positions and has shown their best arguments for defense of his research method. However, it is interesting to understand social phenomena by capturing their objective and subjective dimensions, taking from each method and its possible contribution in this way integrated into the research process these positions, the qualitative, and quantitative.


Curiously enough, in the study of human dimensions and their relations with the world have been ignored or overlooked the subjective aspect of these as, what you have tried to study is the materiality, the measurable reality. But is reality as we perceive it? One could answer this question by saying that the senses are the first to capture the outside world and that through our meanings and interpretations that takes some perceived aspect (McLafferty Jr., Slate & Onwuegbuzie, 2010). Over time we have seen that the subjective part that every human being feels, lives have been dismissed as little objective and this has been little attention paid by science but, thanks to the emergence of social science has been challenged disclosing one's objectivity, in the words of Sagasti & Deudeling "the objective way to know the social problems has led some social scenarios predict expected, but ended with opposites, as is often true for studies on development and poverty" (Larsson, Anckarsater, Råstam, Chang & Lichtenstein, 2012).

In all societies of the world can see that there is a particular way in which the subjects of this system are organized and relate to each other are so different there is a homogeneity that blanket, it creates an inter-subjectivity, i.e. sharing a common social reality however, each individual interprets reality in his own way and live (Herkenrath & Knoll, 2011). In everyday life by the various routines that are acquired is where the subjects are related to each other. According to Bonilla & Rodriguez “The reality is internalized and remains in consciousness, through social processes made ??possible by the use of different levels of knowledge". The qualitative dimension of reality is reflected in the knowledge that subjects have implicit in their behavior.

On the other hand, the quantitative approach says about social reality that in this there are certain patterns of behavior that are equal for all ...
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