Risk, Safety, And Governance

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Risk, Safety, and Governance

Risk, Safety, and Governance


The phenomenon of war has taken on new forms of expression. Violent modes of conflict resolution have adopted human characteristics that differentiate them from the ways in which had previously submitted. The war has been a constant throughout the history of mankind. Starting from the premise that conflict is inherent to human nature, and that war is a manifestation of the same mode as confrontation place, it is possible to find factors in the phenomenon of continuity and other changes (Reason, 2006, 115).

The first are given by the very essence of man, such as selfish, lies in a permanent state of conflict with peers and resort to violence to achieve their survival. What has been changing with the Over the centuries, is the way in which this interaction has been demonstrated violent, that was modified to accompany the changes that mark the evolution of humanity. Worth pointing out that certain phenomena, such as globalization, marked by increasing the speed of communications and development technology have had a major impact on the way to resolve conflicts current trend seems more pronounced in the future.

It is this sense it is appropriate to recall the metaphor of war clusewitziana as a chameleon, as a social phenomenon, is subject to change permanent and continual adaptation to the various socio-political realities in it develops (Hudson, 2007, 697). The increased complexity is armed violent confrontations a consequence of increasing global interdependence, along with the diversification of media and techniques of violence, which is necessary to review and accuracy of the concepts we use to explain the fundamental factor in the international dynamics that are war.

The conflict in Afghanistan in 2001 demonstrates the combination of traditional elements, subject to advanced applications; finally manage to give birth to a hybrid product, characteristic of the stages of transition. Considering that the United States is the power steering system international study the usefulness of the case lies in its shaping Afghanistan's "American way of warfare."


In response to the terrorist attacks against the United States on September 11, 2001, the Bush administration decided a response military attack on Afghan territory, ruled by the Taliban regime was being considered invaded by sheltering Al-Qaeda network, accused of the flagellum. The Central Command, Department of Defense U.S. (CENTCOM) was the military in Afghanistan. While in the first instance, the American response was cut Traditional, responding with a military strike against a threat not conventionally, the development of certain coated Operation Enduring Freedom features beyond the conventional paradigm of armed conflict (Antonsen, 2009, 42).

Another feature that is undergoing change is the fact the limitation of armed conflict in time and space. In most current conflicts, it is almost impossible to establish a clear temporal respond to reality. The dating is done for practical purposes but very rarely reflect the true end of a contest, while this is no longer depends exclusively on the willingness of states of the same, but is subject to the actions ...
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