Sex Crimes In Prison

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Sex Crimes in Prison


In this study we try to explore the concept of “Sex Crimes in Prison” in a holistic context. The main focus of the research is on “Sex Crimes in Prison” and its relation with “the prisoners”. The research also analyzes many aspects of “sexual harassment” and tries to gauge its effect on “prisoners”. Finally the research describes various factors which are responsible for “Crimes of Sex” and tries to describe the overall effect of “Sex Crimes in Prison” on “USA prisoners”.

Sex Crimes in Prison


Prison Rape in USA

Prison rape normally refers to the rape of inmates in prison by other inmates or less frequently, prison staff. According to the study undertaken by the Ministry of Justice of the United States during the year 2006, there were 2,205 allegations of nonconsensual sexual acts of detainee-on-inmate reported, total U.S. prison system. 262 allegations have been substantiated.

There is added agencies report that estimates that the amount of attacks is superior, even though at rest at this position in time, this is all speculation (Kennedy, 1998).

The United States Supreme Court, by a majority of 7 to 2 judges - ruled that the federal government has full authority to maintain custody of prisoners "sexually dangerous (Bonger, 2004). Of the 188,000 prisoners currently serving sentences in federal prisons, the U.S. government has applied the power to extend detention to a total of 105 individuals. A dozen U.S. states have also passed laws that authorize extending the custody of convicted sexual violence associated with other mental illnesses (Clarke, 2001).


Prison rape and sexuality among Men

Sometimes, it happens that the same sex people rape each other. Therefore, many questions about the sexual preferences are raised here. The criminals are often called punks and bitches. They are not considered to be gay. These males are considered to be heterosexual.


U.S. public awareness of the phenomenon of prison rape is a relatively recent development and evaluation of its dominant position has significantly changed in decades. In 1974, Karl Weiss and David James monk wrote that 46 million Americans are incarcerated and one day they, they said, 10 million would be violated. Cases of rape in prison were raised strictly in recent years, mostly attributed to increased consultation and reporting. The threat of AIDS, which affects many of those raped in prison, has also resulted in an increase in cases reported to the benefit of medical help. (Kennedy, 1998)


A total of 43 sex offenders in the state of Pennsylvania, United States, are part of a program being tested, according to which, for probation and prevent recidivism, wear a GPS that allows authorities to closely control . (Gabbidon, 2007)

Management of juvenile offenders

There is a little over a century that the states of continental Europe and North America have found that criminal law was not a satisfactory answer to juvenile delinquency. They developed specific systems. The first juvenile courts have thus emerged in the late nineteenth century United ...
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