Sino-Japanese Relations From 1894 To 1945

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Sino-Japanese Relations from 1894 To 1945

Sino-Japanese Relations from 1894 To 1945


China and Japan are geographically and culturally very close in relation. Both these countries have a long history of conflicts and interactions. This led to create a very complicated history of Sino-Japanese relations. There are various political, religious, philosophical and religious aspects of China which influenced Japanese culture. This assists in the growth and development of the Japanese culture tradition, political structure and other aspects (Beasley, 1987). In return, it was not suitable for China. Japan showed its tendency to accept the modern culture and advancement, gaining of more knowledge from different resource and adapting technology (Schirokauer & Clark, 2008). On the other hand China was a country which is more concerned for preserving the culture and tradition. This resulted in creating more differences between the two countries and Japanese with their positive approach for the growth and prosperity and learning new technology become more advanced and begin to consider Nationalist China as backward and antique(Rose, 2012). This resulted in the negative relations between both the countries and creating the problems in their political interaction.

History of Eastern countries China, Japan, Korea and Vietnam clearly provides polical condition of that time (Schirokauer & Clark, 2008). Japan adopts more from the Chinese culture such as writing system, architecture, philosophy and different other aspect of life, but in return it does has any positive impact on China. In early centuries China was the country which was more advanced and there were ancient herbal techniques for cure and medicine. Japanese students were sent to China to learn the culture, medicine, art and religion. Buddhist teachings were first adopted from the China because the China was very rich in the cultural history. China has a history of invasion by the Mongols and Koreans (Rose, 2012). China with all these crises tried to maintain its political stability and during all these times Japan progressed. Since that time there were various aspects which affected the relation between Japan and China.

Another important aspect is that, despite all these conflicts and problems, Sino-Japanese relations since the 19th century had already been an important factor in East Asian geo-politics. Especially after 1931, when Japan seized Manchuria their relationship has become fatally intertwined. This relation of both the countries resulted in the rise of Japan in power at the cost of China, which was affected by the Japanese incursions from 1894 to 1945.


There is very strong relationship between China and Japan with the conflicts and friendly interactions. There was a time when both the countries share various aspects of political, social and educational influences. Apart from this there was also a time when both these countries share positive trade relations. Later there arise various conflicts since the time of Meiji restoration in 1868 and later the time of with the Japanese piracy and Korean invasion Sino-Japanese relation became worst and resulted in Sino-Japanese war and conflicts. Major conflicts occur between 1894 and 1945 and the war involved damages for both ...
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