Social Theory At Work

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Social Theory at Work

Social Theory at Work


Traditional power disappeared with the Enlightenment, was characterized by a system of institutionalized moral judgment exercised by representatives elected by the state and its institutions. He inculcated in everyone the desire to be invested with a moral value. The seat of power was in a central location defined. Implemented from the top down, most people were excluded and are subjected. It was used by oppressing and engineering can manifest symbols of influence, monitoring mechanisms and structures of policing. From the moral standard and control externalized control internalized modern power system is characterized by a normative judgment, exercised by individuals who have internalized the norm, evaluate their lives and those of others (Mearsheimer, 2001, pp. 73-80).

It moves along circuits alliances and teaches everyone the aspiration to be invested with a normative value. Individuals involved in shaping their own lives and that of others built by the standards of contemporary culture. It uses a power engineering continua characterized by normality / abnormality, tables of performance, measurement scales, ranking formulas, typologies etc. This paper aims to critically evaluate the claim that power is held by those at the top of an organisation and is used to dominate those lower in the hierarchy (Asimakou, 2009, pp. 113-115).


The concept of Power in social sciences is defined as the ability on one hand to affect the behavior and thinking of individuals and social groups to act, and on the other hand's ability to achieve goals without having to submit to external demands. The two views are also known as "power over" and refer to "power on" Power is considered a central concept in the social sciences and, as such, in its connotation controversial. Power relations describe multipage relationships, which often has more power than a page and is accepted by the other side. It is dispensed with contradiction, no action against the exercise of power, or the other side can compel acquiescence or compliance. Power defines the extent of the physical and psychological possibilities of action of a person or group of persons. Use of this power of action that may affect other individuals, but need not be, in a positive as well as negative sense, based on its effects (Watson, 2012, pp. 34-54 ).

Top Management and Power

The power is central to effective leadership or top management in the organisation. They have the ability to influence others in organizations this means the ability to make things happen or achieve one's goals despite the resistance of others (Asimakou, 2009, pp. 113-115).

There are three types of influence processes: instrumental submission in which the follower behaves as they are required in order to obtain a reward or avoid a punishment, in the internalization followers behave with the leader's influence because attract values, self image, etc., identification is when the follower is committed to mimic the behaviour of the leader or top management. The results of attempts to influence are: commitment, compliance and resistance (Mearsheimer, 2001, ...
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