Societal Influencers

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Societal influencer in the American Society

Societal influencer in the American Society


Societal influence is present in all spheres of human life; society influences perceptions, attitudes, opinions or behaviors of people. This influence is given by the relationship with individuals, groups, institutions and society in general. However, social psychology is that attempts to explain how and why this happening and why. The most important research contributions on this subject were made by various commentators who argue that there are three methods studied are: standardization, conformity and innovation.

However, the paper focus upon the five major societal influences those are present in the American society. Moreover, the paper analysis the aspects relevant to the societal influences that play an important impact on the lives of people and change their lives. Thus, the paper revolves around the five influencers that that change are social lives. The factors include; technological impact, racial impact, drug-abuse impact, media impact, and social networking impact.


Sociological point of societal influencers produces a social imbalance. The ability of humans to imitate the behavior of others, or take as point of reference for their own behavior that society does remain the same over time, but also involves creativity and invention of man that prints different characteristics society from one era to another and from one place to another. However, the focus is on the technological aspect, racial aspect, drug abuse aspect, media aspect, and social networking aspect (Montoya, 2008).


Technological determinism is a negative response to the question of whether or not technology is designable according to societal expectations and values. It regards the development of technology, at large, as being ruled by systemic self-dynamics rather than by political or societal influence. Thus, technological determinism claims that technology development is out of the range of political and democratic control. Social sciences' research on technology, however, proved naive technological determinism to be false and motivated, fueled by the social constructivist theory, and approaches of social shaping of technology. The latter is dominant in most activities in the field of nanotechnology and society, while technological determinism is still in place, mainly among many engineers and natural scientists (Montoya, 2008).

Scientific progress and technological advance have been the most powerful driving forces of and in society for decades. It is plausible to raise questions of whether the dynamics of science and technology results out of purely internal roots and origins, whether or not this dynamic could be influenced from an external perspective, for example, by politics, and in which way society should act according to the answers determined by these two questions.

Technological determinism assumes strong inherent dynamics of science and technology in place and gives a negative answer to the question of whether technology is designable and controllable by society. The course of development of technology is regarded as a result of those internal and inherent dynamics. Society and policy makers should, therefore, not aim at steering technology because this may not prove ...
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