Space Exploration Is An Unnecessary Burden

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Space Exploration Is An Unnecessary Burden On The Economy

Space Exploration Is An Unnecessary Burden On The Economy


Space exploration today includes the investigation of celestial objects ranging in size from atmospheric dust to the giant planets of the solar system and the Sun itself. The conditions encountered in outer space also alter familiar terrestrial processes, from simple chemical reactions to complex biological activities, and such effects are being explored to determine how they might prove useful, as in crystallization and drug purification processes. In addition, objects placed in orbit around the Earth provide platforms both for astronomical studies and for a wide range of scientific and practical activities relating to the Earth's surface, including surveys of resources, studies of weather processes, and the relaying of communications and television images between distant points. (Berger, 2005)



In my opinion many projects were very successful, the Apollo missions inspired an entire generation of students to pursue math and science careers. As our society becomes more technology-dependent, the populace needs to become scientifically literate to keep up. Telling students that “You could be the first astronaut on Mars!” or “You could be the one driving the next Mars rovers!” is a pretty effective way of inspiring them to study science and math. (Roach, 2005)

What happened to the dollar invested in each of the respective programs? The school breakfast program was successful, increasing the number of kids getting breakfast. However, when funding for this program or this type of program stops, as soon as the last of the funds goes through the pipeline, the program is over. It has no life past government funding. There was no residual benefit lasting years after the demise of the program. I was unable to find an inspirational or motivational quality for the program leading to downstream business, economics, science, or other advancement and development. One could make the case that kids who benefited from the program went on through school to accomplish great things and I don't doubt that. I simply could not document it in my research. Hoover Dam was very interesting. This project paid off its bond cost early, was a major contributor to our winning World War 2, and has been a huge economic factor for development in the western part of the country. It's a major wealth builder for the United States. (Elsworth, 2005)



I believe so many projects were a complete messa as well. The 1999 and 2001 Mars failures isolated incidents? Hardly. Since 1976, we saw little if any NASA action regarding Mars until 1993, when NASA's $1 billion Mars Observer space probe disappeared just before entering Martian orbit. Faulty fuel tubes are often blamed for that wasteful disappointment. Subsequently the competing Department of Defense conducted a comparatively extremely economical and highly successful Clementine Lunar Mission for just $80 million dollars, and awakened the aerospace community to alternatives to NASA. NASA, terrified of the post-Cold War prospect of being defunded, subsequently lobbied against the emergence ...
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