Space Exploration

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Space exploration

Space exploration


This topic is important to understand the space exploration history and to know how it was occurred. This paper will discuss the history of space exploration, with some key figures present in space exploration. Criticism will also be mentioned which people have due to space exploration. Space exploration is physical exploration of outer space, both by unmanned probes and manned space vehicles (Jenkins, 2001). The development of large rocket engines on liquid fuel in the early twentieth century allowed the practice to look at space exploration. It was a breakthrough, especially compared to the observation space from the surface of the Earth, called astronomy, which was made ??for millennia. Current conditions for space exploration include scientific progress and ensuring the survival of humanity (Harvey, 2006). There were also important political and ethical questions about space exploration, which was often, used as one of the manifestations of competing geopolitical, such as, for example, the Cold War.

The beginnings of space exploration were driven by the space race between the USSR and the United States. Two very important events, placing in orbit around Earth, the first object - artificial satellite Sputnik 1 on October 4 1957, and the first human landing on the moon July 21 1969 , the in the American mission Apollo 11, are often referred to as the boundaries of the first period. The burden of research has been moved from the single flight of reusable equipment, as evidenced by the American Space Shuttle flight program (Harland, 2004). Competition in co-operation has changed, as seen with the International Space Station. Since the early 90s Twentieth century, individuals began to be interested in space tourism. Major government agencies, space research began work on manned missions to the moon and perhaps to the planet Mars after 2010.


First Orbital Flights

The first object that was successfully placed in orbit around the Earth, was the Soviet satellite Sputnik 1. The satellite was launched on October 4 1957 year. It weighed about 83 pounds and probably moves in orbits Earth at an altitude of 250 km. Had two radio transmitters, operating at frequencies of 20 and 40 MHz, which emit pulses received by all radios on the planet. An analysis of radio signals was used to assess the density of electrons in the ionosphere, and the temperature and pressure are transmitted directly through the length of the pulses. The results indicated that the satellite has not been pierced by a meteoroid. Sputnik 1 was launched by rocket R-7 (Furniss, David, & Michael, 2006). The satellite burned in an atmosphere of 3 January 1958. The success of the Russians caused the acceleration of the U.S. space program, which unsuccessfully tried to launch the satellite Vanguard 1 into orbit two months later. 31 January 1958, Americans have successfully fired the probe Explorer 1 rocket with Juno. Previously, fruit flies have been the first animals in space. It happened Feb. 20, 1947 (Furniss, David & Michael, ...
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