Sports Participation In America

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Sports Participation in America


In this study we have explored the crucial topic of sports participation in America. We have investigated the matter through a number of aspects which includes History of Sports Participation, Reasons We Participate In Sports, Sports Participation among Racial and Ethnic Minorities, Different Behaviors Involved With Sports Participation, Behavior Patterns and Athletic Participation, and Effects of the Media on Sports Participation etc. The study revealed that there is a positive trend of sports participation in America and the media is playing a vital role in promoting sports and athletes. However, there are certain minority participation issues that need to be considered through government interventions.

Table of Contents


History of Sports Participation4

Reasons We Participate In Sports4


Sports Participation among Racial and Ethnic Minorities5

Female Minorities and Sports Participation6

The sociocultural influence in the attitude of women towards participation in sports7

Male Minorities and Sports Participation7

Different Behaviors Involved With Sports Participation8

Does Aggression Help To Win?8

Behavior Patterns and Athletic Participation8

Sports Consumer Behavior9

Affective Involvement9

Behavioral Involvement10

Effects of the Media on Sports Participation10

Sports Participation and Television Viewership11

Direct Sports Consumers and Indirect Sports Consumers11


Summary of Findings11

Critical Reflection on the Research12


Sports Participation in America


History of Sports Participation

The history of the sport dates back thousands of years ago. As early as 4000 BC it is thought that could be practiced by Chinese society as various utensils have been found to suggest that they engaged in different types of sport. The first Olympic Games took place in 776 BC lasted only six days and consisted of a few sporting events: battles, horse races and athletics among the participants. Although they were not the current Olympic Games, they began to take shape we know. Already in the nineteenth century were used competitions as a sport and war between the neighboring towns in sports that could be considered in both directions, such as archery or fencing (Steele, 2002). In England, however, there were sports that were fighting not only against your opponent, but also came into play against the natural environment, as they could be water or wind, giving rise to sports like racing and sailing , and other current as well as rugby.

Throughout the twentieth century Feron consolidating existing sports so far, and was extending the known range of sports such as soccer, water polo or table tennis. The first Olympic Games as we know them today took place in Greece in 1892 in the small town of Olympia. They were organized, as now, every four years, and they develop all sports practices known to date.

Reasons We Participate In Sports

We must bear in mind that these reasons are not always aware, this is your motivational power is often not known or identifiable as belonging to the subject-athlete. 

Reason Affiliation (need to socialize), mostly present in childhood and adolescence.

Need to display: please others, interest, surprise, move, surprise, they said.

Need for Success and Independence (fight for independence).

Need Performance: Overcome your limits and compete with others.

Intrinsic pleasure: the individual psychophysical well in sports.

Need building: organize and become based on the recognition (especially in children), the body and its ...
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