Student Centred Learning And Assessment In Practice

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Student Centred Learning and Assessment in Practice

Student Centred Learning and Assessment in Practice

Student Centred Learning and Assessment in Practice

The students on the course, 'Foundation Tier Construction', are all expected to follow the learning aims and outcomes that are set out for them by using the white board and oral instructions before each lesson. The assignments are in booklet form containing information on how to select the correct tools, how to use the tools, roll and spread mortar and to build simple brick walls, 5 in all for each student to follow.

An end practical assignment module which consists of building a stretcher wall 8 bricks long x 5 bricks high as to be done along with photographic evidence, this leads to an end theory test on line, plus writing in word on the computer on how and why they used the resources that were available to them, also with help and guidance and practical demonstrations from me. Most of the students achieved the assignment learning outcomes, and I also gained lots more learning and experience throughout the duration of the course.

The rationale coincides with the Scheme of Work

All students in class are of mixed ability and with various learning styles. The majority of the students work through the practice walls which help them to gain hand skills and understanding on how to build walls correctly, in order to complete the course. Demonstrations and observations will be the main teaching strategy used in order to introduce a new skill and rectify certain faults. Practicing the skill in conjunction with support from the assessor will assist learning.

Management of the learning environment, i.e. layout, work area expectations, concerning behaviour and levels of participation. The workshop as quite a large floor space, but due to the amount of students we currently teach, we have to let the students work in pairs in the bays that are clearly marked out on the floor. The workshop is quite bright, and mostly on the cold side, heaters are on a timer and used to make the environment more pleasant to work in. All students should have a good level of participation due to the fact they are working on their practical jobs, along with a degree of Health and Safety to ensure no stupid accidents occur. For the purpose of the lessons demonstration take place in the workshop, these seem to get everyone's attention and this blows them away as to how fast I can build a wall. After the lessons all practical jobs are taken down, bricks restacked and work area cleaned up, tools washed and leaving the workshop in a safe manner (Minton, 1997, 130).

Appropriateness of Outcomes

The learning outcomes are appropriate to all sessions as the students will have or be capable of setting out the walls; this is done using the skills and knowledge that as been passed on to them, we also include Health and Safety aspects in the workshop. This includes the psychomotor domain (manual and physical skills, ...
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