The Effects Of Teenagers Not Getting Enough Sleep

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The Effects of Teenagers Not Getting Enough Sleep

The Effects of Teenagers Not Getting Enough Sleep


Sleep deprivation in teens is on the rise. The amount of extra activities children are taking part in these days has created many sleep teenagers, along with the early start of school.

Sleep deprivation in teens is a major area for concern because we know that during those years, a teenager requires more sleep than during the preteen years (Verbeek, et al, 2006). But studies show that teens actually get much less sleep than they did during those preteen years. Symptoms of Sleep Deprivation in Teens, & Its Effect:

* You teenager complaints of being sleepy during the daytime

* Your teenager has trouble staying awake in school

* Your teen has a lot of trouble getting out of bed in the morning

* Your teen experiences lots of fatigue

* Your teenager has emotional problems

* Your teenager is irritable

* Your teenager has poor impulse control

* Your teen makes poor decisions


What causes teens to not get enough sleep? Lifestyle can play a role, but some of it is biological as well. Recent studies have shown that the body's internal, biologic sleep-timing mechanism is reset during puberty. A teen's body signals them to go to sleep at a later hour and also to sleep later in the morning (Verbeek, et al, 2006). They are often not able to fall asleep earlier. Bu their school schedules continue to force them out of bed at an early hour.

Many teens are able to cope with sleep deprivation by "sleeping in" on the weekends. But others are not able to catch up, and they suffer from severe lack of sleep.

How do you know if you're getting the sleep you need? Sleep deprivation occurs when you are not sleeping the right amount for your individual needs. Sometimes sleep deprivation is short term, like a college student pulling an all nighter. Chronic sleep deprivation often occurs in professions who work long hours, caregivers with multiple responsibilities, a concurrent sleep disorder or another disease that interferes with sleep. If you are falling asleep as soon as your head hits the pillow, regularly need an alarm clock to wake up, or feel the need for frequent naps during the day, it is very likely you are sleep deprived (Verbeek, et al, 2006). Other signs you may be suffering from sleep deprivation include:

* difficulty waking up in the morning

* poor performance in school, on the job, or in sports

* increased clumsiness

* difficulty making decisions

* falling asleep during work or class

* feeling especially moody or irritated

Sleep deprivation can be dangerous not only to you but others, since it affects motor skills like driving. Chronic sleep deprivation is also thought to cause long term changes to the body, which contribute to increased risk for obesity, diabetes and heart disease.

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