The Ethics Of Leadership

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The ethics of leadership


Immanuel Kant is generally considered to be one of the most significant philosophers of all time. His philosophy is often described as the culmination of the Enlightenment, providing a synthesis of rationalism and empiricism. His work is highly systematic, spanning most areas of philosophy. Kant's theories had and continue to have a huge impact on many areas of philosophy. He is generally seen as a classical liberal, and he inspired and influenced many libertarian scholars, such as F. A. Hayek. Kant was much concerned with freedom and the prevention of coercion. (Allison 1990)


Born in 1949 to delight Joan (Savin) and Francis Charles Williams, RitchC. Savin-Williams was raised on a farm in Clever, Missouri, and north of the Ozark Mountains. Clever, with no stoplights, fed more cows than people (n = 282) and boasted a grain elevator as its prime attraction. His family rarely subsisted above the poverty line, and the hard work necessary to feign middle-class status taught Savin-Williams temperance and resilience, traits that would later influence his research by focusing his attention on positive rather than deficit models of youth development and by nurturing identification with the disenfranchised.


Hannah Arendt was a German American political theorist, philosopher, and political commentator. Considered to be one of the most original and influential philosophers of the 20th century, Arendt became known for her application of phenomenological methods to her study of politics and for her analyses of totalitarianism, the public sphere, political action, freedom, and revolution. (Korsgaard 1996)


Confucius is more significant than any other lone person in China's five-thousand-year history. Similar to Christ for Christianity, Buddha for Buddhism, and Muhammad for Islam, Confucius is the symbol of a great cultural tradition—Confucianism—that still exerts great influence on the lives and the social ethics of a large population, mainly in ...
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